Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1398 It's hard to deceive yourself

Chapter 1398 It's hard to deceive yourself

No. [-]'s eyes are bright. During her wedding holiday, if she really catches bad guys and makes meritorious deeds, she might be able to get a promotion.

It's not that he has any big dreams now, but he has been promoted and his salary can be increased by five yuan, which is of great use to this family.

Zhao Jinchen nodded, and the two of them had the same tacit understanding as they did during the Neishan training. They each climbed up a big tree and looked towards the place where the sound was loud.

"It's from the brigade."

When he saw the green figure clearly, No. [-] shouted excitedly.

It's far away, so I can't tell which unit it belongs to, but they are both iron-blooded players, so they are naturally very happy.

"Field training?"

Zhao Jinchen jumped off the big tree neatly, and the first thing he thought of was field training.

He suddenly felt the blood in his whole body start to boil. He hadn't trained with the unit for a long time, and he really missed the days in the team.

"Go and see, guess if it's Zixu and Sihui?"

Number one also jumped off the big tree and looked at Zhao Jinchen excitedly.

When he was in the unit, Zhou Zixu said that he was going to conduct a large-scale field training during this period of time.

"Maybe, let's go and have a look."

A faint light flashed in Zhao Jinchen's cold eyes. If it was Zixu, he would have just brought him home for a drink.

Walking out of the woods, you will see red flags waving in the wind and tall green tents.

The couple looked at each other, quickened their pace, and walked towards the command tent.

"Stop, who?"

The person who was ambushing and hiding in the dark jumped out from behind the rock, and rushed to force Zhao Jinchen and No. [-].

"Is the Falcons training here?"

Seeing the comrades on patrol, No. [-] felt unfamiliar, and asked him in a deep voice.

Comrades on patrol knew No. [-], and since she was wearing a uniform, it was easy to recognize her.

"Number One? Why are you here?"

He remembered that No. [-] was married and was on marriage leave.

"Is the deputy minister here?"

No. [-] didn't answer his question, but asked back.

"In the command tent, he can't go through."

Although Comrade Patrol knows Zhao Jinchen, but he does not belong to Falcon now, so it is natural to be on guard against him.

This is the brigade, no matter how good the relationship is, during the exercise, they can't cheat for personal gain.

"I'll go first, you wait for me here."

Knowing the rules of the team, No. [-] did not embarrass the patrol comrades, turned around and said something to Zhao Jinchen, and walked towards the tent by himself.

Zhou Zixu was looking at the Junshi map in the tent, the ticker was beeping, and the red and blue teams reported their current locations to him.

"Okay! Lao Wang has learned to be smart this time."

Zhou Zixu looked at the sand tray in front of him, and marked the location reported by the red and blue parties with a small flag.

Seeing the ambush made by Political Commissar Wang, he threw down his baton excitedly.

As for Deputy Captain Wu, he felt that he was still too pedantic, and he was too useless.

"Report, greetings to the Minister on the [-]st."

There was a crisp girl coming from outside the tent. When Zhou Zixu heard it, a smile was hidden in his radiant eyes. The bride didn't stay at home, so why did she follow her to the inner mountain?

"Come in."

Shouting to the outside of the tent, No. [-]'s tall and straight figure walked in from outside.

"Report to the leader, report on number one."

"Hey, bride, you still have more than ten days left for your wedding leave! Why, are you busy selling your leave?"

Zhou Zixu teased her that through the sunlight coming in from the tent, he could see that there was something wrong with No. [-]'s neck.

I cursed in my heart [I wipe, Zhao Jinchen, is it vigorous enough? 】

"Where's Jin Chen!"

He asked with a smile, he couldn't tease the bride, but he was itching to make fun of Zhao Jinchen, let him be prudish, and deceive himself and Sihui so painfully.

(End of this chapter)

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