Chapter 1400
"These candies are for you, go! Go play."

Xiangzi grabbed a handful of candy cubes from the black leather pocket he brought back and divided them among them, two for each child, neither side to side.

"walk home."

Xiangzi's father looked at the children kindly. Seeing that Xiangzi had finished distributing the sweets, he jumped out of the carriage first, glanced at Lu Sihui, and shouted at Xiangzi.

"Little girl, let's go and visit my house."

Xiangzi said something to Lu Sihui with a smile. Lu Sihui nodded, ignored his extended hand, and jumped off the carriage by herself.

After moving my tingling legs, I looked at this small mountain village.

It looked really peaceful, people had simple smiles on their faces, and the air was very good, completely different from the city.

In the breath, there is the smell of green grass, very fresh.

"The pig is slaughtered at home! I left it to your second uncle. It is estimated that the slaughter is over now. Tomorrow is your grandfather's [-]th birthday. All the relatives who should come will come."

Xiangzi's father walked in front of them with his back hunched and hands behind his back, thinking about it.

Lu Sihui found out that he went to the most magnificent stone house.

I glanced at some earthen houses that were about to collapse, and worked harder, relying on the mountains, a house like this had already been built.

Soon they arrived at Xiangzi's house. The yard was very large, and there were several strong men in the yard, who were disposing of the killed old sow.

The air was filled with the unpleasant smell of blood and the smell of pig sewage. Lu Sihui couldn't hold it back, and ran out in big strides, squatting in a small ditch by the roadside and vomited wildly.

"Is it uncomfortable? I also smell bad when I smell it."

Xiangzi saw it and ran out, wanting to pat Lu Sihui on the back, but in the end he didn't dare to do it.

This girl is amazing, he saw it on the train, don't cause unnecessary misunderstanding.

"It's okay, I'll go to the mountains for a walk, you go back first!"

Lu Sihui took out a handkerchief and wiped her mouth, waved to Xiangzi, but walked towards the mountain without listening to what he said later.

She didn't come here just to attend an old man's [-]th birthday, she had an important mission!

Xiangzi shouted twice; "There are poisonous snakes and wolves in the mountain, so don't go in there."

In the end, all he saw was the girl waving her hands with her back to him, showing no intention of staying, and disappeared into the depths of the woods in a blink of an eye.

Xiangzi stomped his feet anxiously, but he was too timid to enter the mountain casually.

I can only go home to find his father and let him find a way.

When no one was there, Lu Sihui stepped into the space capsule: "Where is the meteorite?"

She looked at the robot and asked, and ran here through mountains and rivers. The mountains are high and the trees are lush. She is not a fairy, and she knows the location of the meteorite herself.

"In the mountains, I'll give you a map."

The originally listless robot became energetic after arriving at Changbai Mountain.

A map soon appeared on the big screen, with a big red dot in the center.

"There, you need to go a long way, and I don't have the ability to take you there."

The robot admits it first, it has no energy, it is nothing.

"Okay, I'll walk over by myself."

After seeing the location clearly, Lu Sihui took out her rubber shoes and put them on, put a piece of sulfur on her body, took out her dagger, and left the space capsule.

Sulfur is used to guard against sneak attacks by poisonous snakes, and daggers are naturally used to deal with large animals.

The farther she went into the mountains, the steeper the road became, and she had to walk very hard.

In the mountain village, Xiangzi looked at his watch, and saw that it was getting dark. The girl hadn't come back yet, so something must have happened, right?

(End of this chapter)

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