Chapter 1401

"Father, let's go and look for it? There are wolves in the mountains at night, and it's dangerous for her to be a girl."

Xiangzi's father stared at him; "There is a poisonous snake den in the mountain. In the past, all those who went hunting in the mountain were bitten to death by poisonous snakes. Who would go there?"

He is very angry now, how can such a headstrong girl enter the mountain by herself?The courage to cover up the sky.

There are so many things going on in her own family, and she adds to the chaos.

"Father, think of a way?" Xiangzi pushed his glasses impatiently. Father was stubborn, so he said no matter what. Basically, nothing he said was useless.

"No, stop talking, go talk to your grandpa. Your elder brother and your second elder brother and I put away the pork. In the past two days, Huang Pizi has entered the village to make trouble, and several families have lost their things."

Xiangzi's father waved his hands, resolutely refusing to meddle in other matters, and beckoned the eldest and second sons to go out.

"Father, that's my partner, do you have the heart to watch your future daughter-in-law have an accident?"

Xiangzi was forced to have no choice but to flirt with his father.

"Subject? Didn't you say you only met on the train? Don't try to lie to me."

Xiangzi's father stared at his son with a dark face. He is also a shrewd man and not easy to be deceived.

"Father, am I afraid that you will chase me to get married? It's not good to scare people."

Xiangzi anxiously explained that he is almost 30 years old this year, and he has always been arrogant. People in the countryside don't want to look for him, people in the city look down on him, and people who are not good-looking don't want him, so he has been delayed until now. No object.

On the train, I fell in love with Lu Sihui from the first sight I saw her, so I didn't fear life and death and wanted to come to a hero to save the beauty.

Unexpectedly, this beautiful woman was stronger than him, and in turn protected him.

Looking at it now, he felt that people would not fall in love with him at all, so he stopped thinking.

"Is that so? Xiao Xiangzi, don't lie to father, or you will know the consequences."

Xiangzi's father stared at his son with a sullen face. It is not easy to train a college student in the countryside, so he naturally hopes that he will succeed. High expectations come with heavy burdens.

All the wages Xiangzi earned from working for several years were fed back home, so he had very little money to spend.

"I know."

Xiangzi nodded helplessly, because of his father's temper, if anyone dared to lie to him, even the eldest and second brothers who had already married and established businesses would still be whipped with a horsewhip.

"Boss, second child, go and call your third uncle, fourth master, and their children. They all have something to do and go into the mountains to find Xiangzi's partner."

Seeing his son's determination in his answer, Xiangzi's father began to direct his two sons to find some strong men to go into the mountain to rescue people together.

"Okay, Dad, let's go now."

The eldest brother and the second child looked at the younger brother, and felt a little reluctant. It is best for the younger brother not to get married in this life. He will take home all the wages he earns, and the life of the family will be better.

From the bottom of their hearts, they didn't want to get Lu Sihui back, but when father asked, no one dared not to go.

As soon as he went out, he saw a black figure walking towards him, his eyes widened, he looked at the moonlight, and he turned his head and shouted towards the courtyard.

"Father, the man is back."

The two of them were overjoyed if they could not go into the mountains. If something really happened, who would support their children and wives?

"It's late at night, what are you doing in the mountains?"

Father Xiangzi frowned and looked at the girl who came in from the door. He thought she was a guest during the day, so he spoke very politely.

"I went for a walk in the mountains. Grandpa celebrated his [-]th birthday. I don't want to be empty-handed. Let this person count as my gift!"

When it was dark, Lu Sihui didn't see Xiangzi's father's expression, so she handed over a ginseng in her hand.

She found this in the process of looking for meteorites, and picked them up as gifts.

"You came into the mountain to find a gift for grandpa?"

(End of this chapter)

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