Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1410 Sihui is Missing

Chapter 1410 Sihui is Missing

Sihui is pregnant, so it is impossible to wander around, and she even chooses not to go to field training, which shows that she still attaches great importance to children.

"Where to find it?"

Lu Jianguo pinned all his hopes on his brother-in-law, thinking that with him around, his sister would definitely be found.

"What relatives do you have in your family?"

Zhou Zixu looked at his brother-in-law with staring eyes, and he had a hope in his heart. Maybe Sihui went to see relatives, so he and Jianguo were just worrying.

"No, my mother is dead, and my father is also dead. We don't know the relatives on my father's side. The relatives on my mother's side are all in the mountains, but they are all distant relatives. They don't come and go in the same village."

Lu Jianguo shook his head, looked at his brother-in-law pitifully, and hoped that he would find his sister quickly.

"Go to Kaoshantun and have a look."

Zhou Zixu gritted his teeth. When he saw Sihui, he must teach her a lesson. How could he and Jianguo be so worried?

The two drove to Kaoshantun again. When they arrived, it was already dark, and the sunset glow covered the mountains of Kaoshantun, making it look a bit more mysterious.

When the car stopped in front of Zhao Jinchen's house, Zhou Zixu's first thought was that maybe Sihui had come to Jinchen's house, that's why he said he wanted to invite them to dinner.

After closing the car door, he walked towards Zhao Jinchen's courtyard with big strides. At dinner time, every family was covered with cooking smoke, looking at a very warm scene.

Zixu felt bitter. He clearly wanted to live with Sihui tonight, and went home full of joy, but the one who greeted him was Sihui missing?
The surprise was gone, it was a shock.

"Zixu, you're here, where's Sihui?"

No. [-] and Zhao Jinchen heard the sound of the car door closing, walked out of the house, saw Zhou Zixu, and greeted him warmly.

"Sihui isn't here?"

Zhou Zixu caught on to what he said behind him, losing all hope in his heart.


Number one felt something was wrong, and subconsciously glanced at the deputy minister, did he have a fight with Sihui?
"Really not?"

Zhou Zixu didn't believe it, so he pushed them away and walked into the house.

"Zixu is here, just in time, I have stewed a pheasant, and have some wine with my uncle."

Zhao Yaozu saw Zhou Zixu and greeted him with a smile.

"Where's Sihui? Didn't you come with me?"

Zhou Guifang looked behind him, Zhou Zixu was even more anxious now.

Jin Chen and No. [-] might joke with him, but uncle and aunt won't, so it proves that Sihui isn't here?

"She didn't come because she has something to do. Uncle, I'll go first and drink with you another day."

Where are you in the mood to drink at this time?Zhou Zixu dropped the next sentence, turned around and left.

"Is there something wrong with this child? Why come and go in such a hurry?"

Zhao Yaozu looked at his back and said to his wife.

"Argued with Sihui?"

Zhou Guifang had the same idea as No. [-], the couple had a quarrel, Sihui left in a fit of anger, and Zhou Zixu came out to look for her.

"You two children, don't quarrel. I'll tell him a few words."

Zhao Yaozu really regarded himself as Sihui's natal family, and he was from a village, so he wanted to ask Zixu to treat Sihui well.

Just after going out, I heard Zhou Zixu and Zhao Jinchen talking; "Jinchen, if there is any news here, tell me right away, I'll go first."

After he finished speaking, he left in stride, as fast as a gust of wind, Zhao Yaozu chased him out, he had already started the car, and left in a hurry.

"Jin Chen, what's going on?"

He had to ask his son, if something really happened, the Zhao family couldn't just sit idly by.

Zhao Jinchen watched the car leaving the village, then sighed, turned to look at his father: "Dad, Zixu said that Sihui is missing, so Wen Qian and I will go out and look for it right now, don't wait for us to eat."

"What? Missing?"

(End of this chapter)

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