Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1411 How did it disappear for no reason?

Chapter 1411 How did it disappear for no reason?
Zhao Yaozu became anxious immediately, how could such a good person disappear for no reason?
"Go and find it quickly. I'll go with you. If it doesn't work, mobilize the villagers to look for it together."

Zhao Yaozu turned around and went into the house to look for a flashlight, talking while walking, without delaying a moment.

"Dad, Zixu won't let the fanfare go, so don't make any trouble. No. [-] and I will go into the mountains to look for it."

Zhao Jinchen held back his father, half the people in the village wanted to see Sihui joke, and they couldn't let these people know about Sihui's disappearance.

"Then, I will go into the mountain with you."

Zhao Yaozu couldn't sit still at all, and finally went to Neishan with the two of them.

After Zhou Zixu left Guashantun, he returned directly to Zhou's house, with a glimmer of hope in his heart, maybe he and Sihui fled, and she had already returned home.

Lu Sihui didn't know that the person she was looking for at home turned on his back. At this moment, he was going down the mountain. The equipment she took out in the space capsule made it easy to go down the mountain. With a seat belt around her waist, she could just slide down and jump.

As she went down, the fog got heavier, and she could smell the stench of swamp gas, which should be from the decayed leaves.

Take out the space suit from the space capsule and wrap yourself tightly so that you won't be afraid of being smoked by the methane.

All the way down to the bottom of the mountain depression, I saw a black stone half sunk in the ground in the valley.

Is this the meteorite that the robot said?
"Come out and have a look! Yes, just absorb energy!"

He gave orders to the robot and observed the bottom of the valley by himself.

We found wild grasses and wild flowers, and various herbal plants grow very lush, and there are many vines, which will affect walking.

Suddenly, she discovered a terrifying thing, those vines could move?
Look carefully, there are so many snakes!It was so dense that she got goosebumps just looking at it.

Maybe it was because of her disturbance that the snakes started to move.

Her feet moved suddenly, and she looked down, and it turned out to be a giant python that was about as thick as her waist, and she was standing on top of it.

Pulling the rope and hanging himself in mid-air, the bottom of the valley turned out to be a snake's nest?

A lot of piebald vipers, spitting out bright red snake letters, gave her the slightest warning sound.

Some even marched towards her, especially the giant python, which planned to treat her as food, and stood up halfway with its big mouth open. The bloody mouth looked very scary.

"You haven't come out yet?"

Lu Sihui frowned and called to the robot, fix it sooner, go back sooner, she doesn't want to stay here for a moment.

The robot came out of the space capsule and walked towards the meteorite, and the snakes were besieging him.

Lu Sihui grinned. Looking at this scene, she felt intensive phobia. She felt sick and wanted to vomit.

Looking up at the sky, the white clouds are long and the blue sky is clear. This is much better, and finally I don't have to watch the horrifying picture.

"Shall I go up and wait for you?"

She yelled at the robot that she didn't want to stay here. She was wearing a spacesuit, not to mention clumsy, and she felt hot in this summer.

"No, you can't leave, the space capsule is on you, and you need to receive energy here."

The robot said something mechanically, this is tantamount to trapping Lu Sihui here, if he does not absorb enough energy, Lu Sihui cannot leave.

Lu Sihui lowered her head curiously, wanting to see how the robot absorbs energy.

But at this glance, she was about to vomit, the poisonous snake, the giant python tightly entangled the robot, the densely packed snake body, the snake head, this picture is too scary.

Subconsciously, she climbed up. This scene was scarier than her facing a bunch of zombies in the last days.

"Are you alright? I'm going to throw up."

(End of this chapter)

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