Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1412 A Pair of Blood-Red Eyes

Chapter 1412 A pair of blood-red eyes

"An hour more."

The calm mechanical sound of the robot sounded, as if he didn't care if the sky fell.

"What? Another hour? Then do I still have to accompany you?"

Lu Sihui almost collapsed. Looking at such a disgusting scene, it was torture for a minute, let alone an hour, how could she bear it?
"You have to stay. The space capsule also needs to replenish energy. You can't leave it too far away. Also, you are standing too high, so you need to get closer."

The robot was busy receiving energy, so it didn't look back at her, but it seemed to know that she had already climbed up the rock wall, so it told her to come down.

"I won't go down even if I'm killed, it's a snake's den."

Lu Sihui shook her head violently, she had brought sulfur, but it was only a little bit, I'm afraid it would be useless at all.

What if, when she went down, those snakes entangled her like a robot?
"Come down, snakes are afraid of sulfur, they surround me and affect my ability to receive energy."

The robot gave an order to Lu Sihui again, and Lu Sihui gritted her teeth angrily.

But it has come, the robot has helped her a lot in the past, and this time, she has no choice but to leave him to escape by herself.

"Just die!"

She dragged the rope down, and the snakes slowly got off the robot as she approached, and raised their heads to spit snake messages at her.

This scene made Lu Sihui want to climb up again.

No matter how courageous you are, whoever looks at this picture will feel the cold coming from the back of your neck, and the hairs on your body will stand on end.

She closed her eyes, gritted her teeth and persisted, but she couldn't help the urge to vomit.

Due to the presence of snakes in the valley, the mist was clear, and the mist should be poisonous. She didn't dare to take off her hat rashly, and could only suppress her nausea with all her might.

An hour, not a minute, she was thinking about how she could bear it.

"No, didn't you say that I have sulfur on my body, so they dare not come over?"

It was only after she got down that she realized that something was wrong. The poisonous snakes did not leave, but instead attacked her.

Snakes are best at entanglement. One is not terrible, but there are so many of them all entangled her body, Lu Sihui couldn't hold back, pulled the rope back into the air.

Some snakes haven't waited to be wrapped yet!They fell down one after another, wandering around and entangled the robot again.

"You're wearing a space suit, the gas outside can't get in, and the sulfur smell inside can't come out, so it won't hurt them."

The robot answered her questions, and Lu Sihui knew about it, but she didn't dare to take off her space suit.

Pregnancy is no joke. There is so much poisonous gas in the valley, what if it affects the child?
"If you don't come down and help me, it will take three hours."

The robot spoke again, still mechanical and emotionless. Lu Sihui looked down and saw that he had been wrapped around by these snakes several times, and even his head was buried in it. Looking from the top, it looked like a black, Moving circular pillars.

"Wait a minute, I'll go up some, take off the space suit, and throw the sulfur at you."

Lu Sihui didn't even want to enter the snake's den again.

After finishing speaking, she climbed up by herself without waiting for the robot to answer.

Halfway through the climb, she saw a cave, so she simply climbed in, saving herself the need to climb up the rock wall.

First, he took out the flares from the space capsule and threw them in. The cave was full of light, and with the bright colors, he could see clearly. Lu Sihui was startled when he could see it. There was a pair of blood-red eyes in the cave. He was staring at her fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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