Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1413 We Can Chapter Family

Chapter 1413 We Can Go Home

Lu Sihui hurriedly stepped back and swung out along the rope. The one with red eyes was a cockscomb snake, and its body was red. It was rumored that such a snake was very poisonous.

Maybe a woman with such thick legs doesn't know what she's doing hiding in the cave?After seeing Lu Sihui, it flew out and wrapped her tightly in the air.

Lu Sihui was very clumsy in the cosmic suit, and the snake was so strong that she was entangled and dangling back and forth in the air.

Unable to take out the dagger, she narrowed her eyes. Although she would not be entangled to death by it, she still felt very strenuous carrying such a heavy load and shaking in the air.

Glancing at the rock wall, she ground her teeth. Today is the time for the poisonous snake to die.

Kicking on the rock wall, her body swung backwards, and quickly hit the rock wall. There was a cockscomb snake wrapped around her body and a space suit, so the impact on her was within the tolerable range.

But the cockscomb snake was obviously not optimistic, and the one that was hit let out a howl.

The sound is not loud, but it seems to be drilled into people's ears.

Lu Sihui kicked on the rock wall again, she swung towards the back, and slammed into the rock wall fiercely again.

This time, the cockscomb snake loosened its grip on her body, fell from the air, and fell onto a sharp stone at the bottom of the valley.

Ye Wenjing pulled the rope and jumped into the hole again.

He looked around carefully with his eyes wide open, and did not dare to take off the space suit until he found nothing abnormal.

After taking out the brimstone, I want to put on the space suit again and go down to help the robot.

At this moment, she saw a huge Ganoderma lucidum, with a smile on her lips. It is so big, it should be a treasure, right?
He took out the dagger and carefully picked the ganoderma lucidum and put it back into the space capsule.

This time Changbai Mountain is not bad. I gave the Ganoderma lucidum to my grandfather when I went back. They all said that it can prolong life, but I don’t know if it is true or not?
Putting on the spacesuit again, she flew down the valley, holding the piece of sulfur in her hand, and all the snakes she encountered ran away.

When she landed beside the robot, the poisonous snakes surrounding him fell off one after another, even the giant python also hurriedly escaped.

Just now, the bottom of Shen Ren's valley was still densely watched, but now it looks much clearer.

Lu Sihui let out a long sigh of relief, and stood beside the robot, watching him absorb energy.

An hour later, the robot moved its body happily, looked refreshed, and its eyes became surprisingly bright again.

"Go back?"

Lu Sihui had nothing to do, so she walked around him and dug up a thousand-year-old ginseng with a very long beard. In an hour, she also convinced herself of her patience.

"Okay, go back."

Because of absorbing enough energy, when going up, Lu Sihui didn't have to climb any more, and he took her directly up the col.

"Okay, we can go home."

Lu Sihui stood by the side of the mountain, watching the sunset in the sky, it was getting late, and she actually came out all day.

Grandpa Xiangzi killed the pig on his [-]th birthday. She couldn't eat it anymore, so she caught a hare in the mountains and roasted it to get a good deal.

Think about it, for one ginseng, I replaced two wild vegetables and Sichuan seeds, plus the morning muddy porridge mixed with lard, it is really the most expensive meal.

It took a lot of energy, so it was natural for the robot to do the hard work of catching the hare. She sat leisurely by the side of the mountain, watching the snakes at the bottom of the valley surrounded by the cockscomb snake. What are they doing?
Lu Sihui frowned, in order to avoid nausea, she had better stay away.

At the foot of the mountain, Xiangzi stood at the gate and looked up the mountain. He refused to agree to his father's proposal yesterday. Today, when he came here early in the morning, he found that Lu Sihui had already left. He was very afraid that his father would do something that he couldn't turn back.

(End of this chapter)

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