Chapter 1414
"The family is so busy, you didn't help at all when you came back, have you been seduced by that girl?"

Xiangzi's father entertained the people in the village, and the whole family was busy with him. Both the eldest and the second child looked at Xiangzi with dissatisfaction.

Because he didn't help, he knew to stand at the door and watch. The two of them didn't go to talk, they just talked to his father, and the old man was naturally angry, and came over and slapped Xiangzi on the back of the neck.

Last night, he refused to listen to his arrangement, refused to come back, and threatened him not to do anything wrong, otherwise he would call the police.

Such a son, in his eyes, is a disobedient son, not because there are many guests today, and his father is celebrating his birthday, he would have whipped him long ago.

"Father, tell me, did you lock up that girl?"

Xiangzi looked at his father seriously, he didn't want to kill his relatives righteously, but he couldn't let that little girl ruin her whole life like this.

So, I wanted to scare his father and let him release Lu Sihui.

"I said, she left by herself, what's the matter? I can't be our daughter-in-law, so I have to provide her with good food and drink?"

Xiangzi's father scolded his son angrily, and wanted to slap him a few times to wake him up and make him as obedient as the eldest and second son.

"Xiangzi, where's the pretty girl you brought back yesterday?"

He drank too much, and wobbled to Xiangzi's side. Because he couldn't stand still, he hooked Xiangzi's neck and pressed his face against his face to ask.

There was a smug smile in his eyes. Who knows where he lied to a man with a strong blood who came back with a beautiful little girl?
After entering his house, once the door is closed, who knows what is going on in the house?
It is estimated that the person fell asleep last night, and the girl might not want to, so she was locked up.

For such a juicy girl, if she sleeps for one night, it is worth dying.

Smelling the alcohol smell on his body, Xiangzi pushed him away angrily.

"Uncle, that's my friend."

Xiangzi is a cultured person, unlike these fellow villagers, he likes that girl, but knowing that she doesn't have him in her heart, he naturally gives up.

She also felt inferior, feeling that he was not good enough for her.

"Friend, Uncle told you that you will be yours when you sleep. Don't be stupid, such a pretty girl, Uncle doesn't believe that you didn't think about it? Unless your thing doesn't work well."

The handlebar eyes looked at Xiangzi's pants, the meaning was obvious, and there was sarcasm in the eyes.

Xiangzi was extremely disgusted. These people, who usually have nothing to do, just gather together to chat and chat. They have no quality at all.

He is a man of culture, he doesn't bother to be with him, he enters the yard to help his elder brother and the others.

Several nephews and nieces in the family had already climbed onto the table and ate the meat as soon as they saw it. Their faces and mouths were full of oil stains, and they looked very rude and dirty.

Look at the villagers in the village, with their families and mouths, when they eat, they just grab it. Whoever is quick can grab it, and the slow one can't eat anything.

He ran to the kitchen with the bowl in his hand, wanting to ask for a piece of meat alone.

Feeling restless for a while, I really wanted to leave immediately and return to the city quickly, so as not to see these troubles.

"San'er, you brought that girl back and left early in the morning. What are you going to do in the mountains?"

Yesterday when Lu Sihui came back with a root of ginseng, the boss became greedy, he could find good things in the mountains, but today he went all day, will he bring back another ginseng, how can he get it in his own hands?
After changing the money, I went to the city to buy a house, and got rid of my father's rule as soon as possible.

"She really went into the mountains?"

Xiangzi didn't believe his father's words, but when his elder brother asked him this way, he felt it was possible.

The girl I met on the train ran to the mountains yesterday, and went early today. What was she going to do?Isn't there a treasure in the mountains?
(End of this chapter)

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