Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1419 Let You Taste the Whip

Chapter 1419 Let You Taste the Whip
Lu Sihui wanted to make sure, and deal with the father and son in a reasonable and well-founded manner.

"No, is he willing to give it to me? They want to sell it for money."

The old man had a lot of opinions on his son. After hearing Lu Sihui's words, he told her angrily.

"Okay, old man, I'll help you call someone, and you lie down for a while."

After Lu Sihui figured it out, she naturally wouldn't just give up like this, and dare to plot against her. Is it that life is too long to live?

Standing up and looking around, I found a brave villager hiding in a big tree and looking into the yard.

Remembering that Xiangzi's father was going to whip his horse whip last night, animals naturally use the guy who treats animals.

Step into the barn and find the whip.

There was a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, if he dared to play tricks on her, let her see, do these people have that ability?
He walked out of the yard with the horsewhip in his hands, dragging the horsewhip on the ground, his cold eyes searching for the figure of the father and son.

Xiangzi was dragged away by his father, but halfway through the walk he insisted on running out.

"Girl, go away! Take advantage of the chaos at this moment, so my father won't notice you."

He saw Lu Sihui from a distance, hurriedly ran towards her, and lowered his voice to persuade her to leave.

Lu Sihui glanced at him indifferently, she was still a gentleman, so she didn't deal with him.

Holding a riding whip and passing by him, Xiangzi felt a chill in his heart when she glanced at her. This girl's eyes can freeze people to death.

Lu Sihui searched all the way, she was not in a hurry, even if she didn't go to the father and son, the three would come to her.

"Catch her."

Just about 200 meters away from the yard, Lu Sihui heard Xiangzi's father shout loudly.

He raised his eyebrows and sneered, the whip in his hand was just waiting to be whipped.

"Father, you can't do this, let's go see my grandpa first!"

Xiangzi opened his arms to stop his father and brother. Although he was weak, he still wanted to protect Lu Sihui so that his father and brother would not make mistakes.

"Head of the house, forget it, let's go and see Dad!"

Although Xiangziniang was very scared before, she saw that the sun had not set yet!If it is a fraudulent corpse, it should not be able to live.

She really wanted to go back and take a look, maybe her father-in-law wasn't dead yet.

But her man and two sons made up their minds to catch that girl. According to the head of the family, no one can overturn his decision!
This dead girl dared to beat his two sons. He insisted on catching her and giving her a strong whip to express the anger in his heart, and beat her honestly.

"Brothers, don't eat today's meal for nothing. This woman is a witch. If she comes, my father will die. If she appears again, my father will cheat the corpse. If we don't catch her and burn her, our village will not be well."

Xiangzi's father had seen how powerful Lu Sihui was, and knew that only their father could not catch her, and Xiangzi was a crawler, so he couldn't be pointed at.

Looking at several village men around him, he asked them to come and help.

Afraid that his words would be weak, he directly referred to Lu Sihui as a witch.

With her here, the whole village would not have a good life and must be burned to death.

Lu Sihui looked at him with a sneer, this man is vicious enough, if she doesn't deal with him well today, she won't be called Lu Sihui.

"Hereticism, I'll kill you, a bastard."

The horsewhip in his hand cracked in the air, the whip was very soft, but it was extremely painful when it was whipped on the person.

This time, Father Xiangzi was slapped hard on the back, and he screamed in pain. Following the force of inertia, he ran two steps forward, lay down on the ground, covered his back with his hands behind him, and rolled on the ground. .

"You don't know the taste of a whip, do you? Try it again."

Lu Sihui raised the whip in her hand high, and the men next to her looked at her dumbfounded. The cruelty in the girl's eyes made them dare not move forward.

(End of this chapter)

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