Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1420 Blind Your Dog Eyes

Chapter 1420 Blind Your Dog Eyes
"Are you all stupid? This woman is a monster. If you don't want something to happen to your family, you should catch her and burn her to death. Otherwise, the whole village will be ruined tonight."

Xiangzi's father looked at Lu Sihui viciously, the lash of this whip really hurt his mother.

He yelled at his two sons and a few strong men in the village, why should he kill this girl, otherwise it would be difficult to relieve his anger.

"Whoever dares to come over, I will break your bones."

Lu Sihui's eyes widened, and the ice in her eyes seemed to freeze these people to death.

She became angry, the whip in her hand cracked in the air, and the words she said were like nails falling on the ground, with cruelty.

Xiangzi's elder brother and second brother knew how powerful Lu Sihui was, so he didn't dare to rush forward at all, but now that his father was beaten by her, the two of them didn't go there. People in the village would say they were unfilial, and father would punish them in turn.

"Girl, don't hit, you go."

Xiangzi came over to push Lu Sihui, he couldn't just sit back and watch her beat his father, and he couldn't help his father and help the evildoer.

Therefore, I can only persuade Lu Sihui to leave quickly. After all, public anger is hard to offend. No matter how powerful a girl is, she can't beat the people in the village who work all the year round and have a lot of strength.

"Go away, you creepy eater."

Xiangzi's father stood up from the ground, pulled Xiangzi away, directed his two sons, and a few big men who were close friends in the village.

"Let's go together, no matter how powerful she is, can she beat so many of us?"

He gritted his teeth and looked at Lu Sihui fiercely. The wound on his back was burning and painful, which made him want to kill the woman in front of him.

A group of big men surrounded Lu Sihui, the lives of the whole village were at stake, and these people didn't care whether Lu Sihui was powerful or not.

A good tiger can't stand a pack of wolves, so he doesn't believe that a girl like her can overthrow the sky.

"You forced me."

Lu Sihui glanced coldly at the few irrelevant men. Fighting at this time would be uncivilized. She moved as fast as lightning, rushed into the middle of these people, struck fiercely, and took off an arm.

These guys are usually good at work, and they will use their strength in real fights. They come to Lu Sihui, she is like a loach, flashing past them, and then she doesn't know how to move, her arm hurts sharply, and then she can't move. up.

"The witch, the witch!"

"It hurts to death."

The few men who helped were all taken away by Lu Sihui. She sneered and looked at the three of Zhao's father and son.

Xiangzi's father swallowed his saliva. He was yelling a lot just now, but he hid himself behind the people.

Seeing that Lu Sihui acted fast and ruthlessly as if he had entered a no-man's land, his accomplices were all wounded in the blink of an eye, hugging his arms and crying.

This was a mess, and he wanted to run away. Lu Sihui swung his whip, wrapped around his neck, and pulled him to the ground.

A lash of the whip made Xiangzi's father roll all over the floor, howling repeatedly.

Xiangzi's elder brother and second elder brother came to help, but they were also whipped a few times. They ran away from the crowd in fright, and were caught by Lu Sihui with the whip and fell to the ground.
The three father and son were together, lying on the ground, howling and retreating.

Lu Sihui's pretty face was covered with chills, and the whip in her hand was ruthlessly pulled down.

"You want to lock me up? Be your son's wife? Blind your eyes."

Tired of whipping, Lu Sihui pulled out the dagger from her pocket, squatted down, and forced the dagger into Xiangzi's father.

"Say I'm a witch and want to burn me to death. Is your heart black? I'll peel it off and see."

Her voice was not loud, but every word carried a cautious chill.

With the cold dagger in his mouth, Xiangzi's father was so frightened that his legs trembled, his crotch was quickly wet, and the stench in the air made people sick.

(End of this chapter)

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