Chapter 1422
Xiangzi's father looked at his elder son fiercely, this bum, do you want him to die?
Grind your teeth, and separate him out after this hurdle, and don't even think about eating at home.

Xiangzi pushed his eldest brother away, and ran home in a hurry. When he saw his grandfather lying on the ground, he didn't care about being afraid, and ran into the house.

"Third grandson, don't ignore grandpa, I'm not dead."

Grandpa yelled at him from behind, Xiangzi gritted his teeth, he didn't care about the old man at the moment, the most important thing was to save father first.

He went into the house and rummaged through the cabinets, found the ginseng hidden under the cabinet, and strode out of the house.

"Let go of my father, or I will sue you for murder."

Brother Xiangzi is still stubbornly resisting, as long as this damn girl lets dad go, the ginseng will not be given to her.

The surrounding villagers all stared at them, no one was stupid and understood what the boss was thinking.

He sneered in his heart, he was already jealous of his family's life, and envied Old Zhao's status as the head of the family.

Looking at it now, it's nothing more than that, the son is looking forward to his death!
It's not as good as my own home, where the father is kind and the son is filial.

Xiangzi's father was disgraced, and no one dared to look at him. He was competitive all his life, and he was a unique existence in the village.

Now, in front of the whole village, he pissed his pants and lost his lord.

In the future, can he still hold his head up in the village?
Lu Sihui tossed the dagger leisurely. She squatted on Xiangzi's father's head and threw the dagger. Every time the dagger flew up and down, Xiangzi's father would feel that it would stick into his eyes.

He was so terrified that he raised his throat, staring at the dagger tightly, and when it fell, he rolled aside in fright.

But as soon as he rolled, Lu Sihui stabbed a dagger in his mouth. This kind of silent torture scared him to death.

In the end, I simply closed my eyes and stopped looking, thinking that I would be less afraid.

But after closing his eyes, he felt even more afraid. The sound of the dagger flying up and down was a cruel torture to him.

Every time he hurriedly opened his eyes, and then saw that the dagger was two inches away from his eyelids.

"Don't torture me, I beg you, I'm not a human, I'm a beast, I shouldn't hide dirty thoughts."

He was so frightened that he begged for mercy to Lu Sihui, who sneered and put the dagger in front of his eyeballs.

"Tell me what you did, what you think in your heart, and if you dare to say a lie, I will pierce your eyes."

Lu Sihui looked at him sharply with cold eyes, so cruel that people dare not look at her.

Xiangzi's father was trembling, not daring to tell the truth!Said she must be more annoyed?

But if you don't tell the truth, if you really blind him, how will you live in the future?

Lu Sihui saw that his eyeballs were rolling, as if he didn't know what kind of plan he was planning, her eyes froze immediately, and she pressed the dagger against his eyelids.

"Don't do it, I said, I'm not human. I saw that the third child likes you, so I wanted to ask my wife to open the door. She and I will hold you and let the third child become his woman. If you don't agree, I will kill you." Lock it up, and when you have a baby, you will be dead set, please, I just think about it, I didn't really do it."

Xiangzi's father began to cry, and his crotch became even more wet, and he was scared to pee again.

The big man cried and howled, that was really shameful, the village head and the villagers all grinned when they heard what he said, it was really hurtful to do so.

It's no wonder that the girl was furious and wanted to deal with him, whoever she was, she couldn't spare him lightly.

"Here comes the ginseng, girl, please let my father go!"

Xiangzi pushed aside the crowd and walked in, holding the ginseng that Lu Sihui had given to his father in his hand. He heard what his father said, and felt ashamed, and dared not look into Lu Sihui's clear eyes.

"Everyone, watch out. The ginseng is intact. He is lying by accusing the old man of eating ginseng."

(End of this chapter)

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