Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1423 You are also an accomplice

Chapter 1423 You are also an accomplice

Lu Sihui stood up holding the ginseng, so that everyone present could see clearly, and she asked Father Xiangzi to write down the confession, and the villagers testified, and then sent it to the police station.

After trying to harm her, can he get out of his body?He thought of beauty.

"Girl, we all know that this is all due to old Zhao's bad intentions, please take back the arms of these people!"

The village chief came to intercede, seeing those people screaming in pain, he became anxious.

"It's not difficult for me to connect, Xiangzi, you go to find paper and pens, you testify for me, sign and draw a deposit, and I will read that you were deceived by him, and you will not be held accountable."

Lu Sihui looked at those big guys with a sneer, moaning in pain, her face was pale, but she didn't sympathize with these guys at all, who let them help the evildoers?
"Signed and stamped? What do you mean?"

The village chief didn't understand, he didn't pursue it if he hurt someone, what else did he want?
"I'm the Sangvis team member. You tried to kidnap the Sangvis teammate in vain. If you break the law, just let it go. Is it possible? You are the village head. If you don't handle it fairly, don't say I'm rude."

Lu Sihui looked at him with a sneer, occupying the position of village head, if he didn't discipline the people in the village well, he would be negligent in his duty.

"Iron blood team member? Old Zhao, what can I say about you!"

Hearing that Lu Sihui was an iron-blooded team member, the village chief's expression changed.

At this time, people adore the iron-blooded team members, and every village is supporting the king and the genus, which is also an indicator of performance assessment.

Some looked at Lu Sihui in disbelief. She was young and handsome, and she didn't look like an iron-blooded team member in any way.

Except for the pair of eyes, which are too sharp and full of light, they are very similar to the eyes of the iron-blooded team members.

Xiangzi's father looked at Lu Sihui in disbelief, how did he touch the wool nail?
Xiangzi looked at Lu Sihui with mixed feelings, no wonder she was so powerful, the big man who hit the train with blood all over his head was safe and sound.

He really wanted to plead with his father, but his lips twitched for a long time, and he didn't dare to say a word, because he made it clear that it wouldn't work.

The girl wouldn't talk to him.


Lu Sihui looked at the village head coldly. He was forced by Lu Sihui's momentum and went home to find a pen and paper.

"Write what?"

"Write down everything he said just now."

Lu Sihui ordered, with good reason and evidence, Old Zhao just wait and squat on the fence!
After a while, the testimony was finished. Lu Sihui asked all the villagers present to sign on the paper. If there was not enough signature on the front, they would sign on the back of the paper, and then put their fingerprints on all of them.

Satisfied with the reading, he folded the testimony and put it in his pocket, stood up and put his shoulders back to the man whose shoulders had been removed.

"Take the car, village chief, you and I will take Old Zhaotou to the police station."

Lu Sihui watched the village chief give the order, and was afraid that if she left, he would make a big deal out of it and not hold Xiangzi's father accountable.

"Girl! We were wrong. I kneel down to you and beg you to hold your hand high and don't send my old man to the fence."

Xiangziniang came to kneel down and kowtow to Lu Sihui. Although the man treated her badly, he was the head of the family. He was arrested. How can he live this day?
"Do you think you're okay? You're also an accomplice."

Lu Sihui looked at her with a sneer, and pleaded with her man, could she run away?
Xiangzi is now in a dilemma. Although he knows that his words are useless, he still can't bear to face his biological parents who will soon be sent to jail.

Looking at Lu Sihui pleading.

"Girl, my parents are old and confused. You beat them and scolded them. They will die in prison when they are old. My family has a paralyzed grandfather who has no one to take care of them. Please pity them!"

(End of this chapter)

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