Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1434 This 1 vs. 2 Little Guess

Chapter 1434 This pair of childhood sweethearts


The little girl still knows how to talk about five things and four beauties, and looked at Xiao Mingyuan pitifully.

Zhou Zixu looked at this pair of childhood sweethearts with amused expression, now is the time to test the brat's temper.

Three years old and old, the jewel in his palm, can't find a bad temper.

I don't even want to be angry with myself!Other brats dare to yell at his daughter and serve her with fists.

"It's okay, Swift, it's not right for you to walk this way, I'll teach you."

Wang Mingyuan squatted down and put on the shoes by himself. Seeing Swift's pitiful appearance, he smiled and coaxed him into it.

"Tsk tsk. Not bad, you have your own style."

Zhou Zixu smiled happily, this kid can consider it, but he must have the ability to protect Swift.

"Wang Mingyuan, practice Yingying Fist at night. A man must be able to protect himself and his wife."

Zhou Zixu's training has made great strides. Normally, there is only one formation, walking in unison. New comrades need to train repeatedly, and it will take about a month before they can continue.

However, he felt that Xiao Ming was far useless. Children learn everything quickly, and they are already walking decently. After all, he is not a real iron-blooded man, so he doesn't need to walk very well.

To keep fit, you still have to punch.


Wang Mingyuan's eyes gleamed with excitement. Boys, do you like to fight the most and protect your wife?Dad said, since Swift will be his wife in the future, she must protect her.

Zhou Zixu played with the two little ones for a while before entering the house. Aunt Su had already cooked a big bowl of boiled noodles, and sister-in-law got up too, taking Dongsheng to wash up!
Looking at the grandparents and grandson on the sofa, they are still playing chess seriously with frowned eyebrows, not at all tempted by the smell of meat stew.

"Let's play it again! Can we play it after dinner?"

Zhou Zixu walked over and sat next to his daughter-in-law, talking to her in a discussing tone.

Mr. Zhou was about to lose at this time, he was not in the mood to eat, and his eyes were fixed on the chessboard, as if he would never stop playing.

Hearing what his grandson said, he waved his hands impatiently: "Go aside, don't use food to corrode our strong new world will."

Zhou Zixu looked at him dumbfounded, it was just a game of chess, is he still going online?
Lu Sihui smiled and winked at him, as long as grandpa took the wrong horse, the round would be over immediately.

"Let's go! I will give you a trick as soon as you come, and I will rely on you if I lose."

Mr. Zhou waved Zixu away, and the reasons he said made Zhou Zixu dumbfounded.

"Grandpa, is your surname Lai?"

"Fuck off."

Mr. Zhou was hesitating with the horse, and when he heard his grandson's words, he flew the chess piece towards him.

"Grandpa, you lost without a horse. Let's eat! Sihui and sister-in-law are both pregnant. If you don't come to the table, who can eat?"

Zhou Zixu raised his hand and grabbed the chess, and put it in his pocket with a smile. There is no horse, do you still want to play?

"Give it back to me, finish the game."

Mr. Zhou stared at him, and stretched out his big hand in front of his grandson. It is his character to start and end, and to win or lose a game of chess.

"Grandpa, I lost."

Lu Sihui secretly took the car away, and then looked at her grandfather with a bitter face.

"No? It seemed like I was going to lose just now? Why do you think there are shortcomings?"

Mr. Zhou looked at the endgame, frowned and muttered.

"Grandpa, we won, let's not watch it!"

Zhou Zixu went over to help his grandfather up, coaxing him with a smile.

Old children, young children, must be coaxed.

"Why didn't Swift follow in?"

Lu Sihui frowned and looked at Zixu, didn't he just come in from the door?Where is the girl?

(End of this chapter)

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