Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1435 I'm used to doing my own way

Chapter 1435 I'm used to doing my own way
"Playing at the door! You go eat first, I'll call her."

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law tenderly. Pregnant women were hungry so fast, he couldn't bear her to starve.

"it is good."

Lu Sihui helped her grandfather go to the dining table to eat, Li Yanhong pursed her lips and smiled when she saw her, she already knew about Sihui running away from home.

But I don't think it's strange at all. With her personality, she thinks everything is normal, and she is used to doing things in her own way.

"Sister-in-law, you seem to be getting fatter. I went to Changbai Mountain to bring back ginseng. I will go to the mountain to catch some pheasants later. When I come back, I will ask Aunt Su to make chicken soup for us."

Lu Sihui smiled and said to her that she had already taken out the ginseng in the space capsule last night, and now she is borrowing flowers to present to Buddha.

"Still going to the mountains? Sihui, you are pregnant, you can't do this."

Mr. Zhou heard it, and immediately stopped Lu Sihui seriously.

"Grandpa, Zixu and I will go for a walk together."

Lu Sihui hurriedly dragged Zixu into the water. With him around, grandpa would not object.

"Sihui, forget it! You can just buy two roosters, both are fine."

Li Yanhong also advised her that she was ten times more careful about her pregnancy this time.

Finding that Sihui didn't care at all, she was also worried.

"Sister-in-law, the taste is different."

Lu Sihui wanted to go to No. [-], so of course she couldn't go empty-mouthed, so she dragged Zixu along, and the two of them brought game over by themselves.

I was always worried that Zhao Jinchen would treat No. [-] badly. After all, he was such a cold person, as if he didn't understand feelings.

"Sihui, Swift is gone."

The sisters-in-law are chatting!Zhou Zixu ran into the house anxiously.

He found out that his daughter learned from Sihui and would leave without saying goodbye. Fortunately, his heart was strong enough, otherwise he would have stopped beating in fright.

"You can't lose it in the family building, did you go to Wang Mingyuan's house to play?"

Lu Sihui didn't care, her daughter was wild and liked to go shopping outside.

Wang Mingyuan was here just now, how could the two children be lost?
"I went to Wang's house, but Wang Mingyuan wasn't there either."

Zhou Zixu was very impatient, his throat was not good at first, but now it hurts to swallow saliva.

"I'll go find it with you."

Lu Sihui frowned, found Swift and wanted to clean up, how could she leave without telling the adults?
"I'll go as well."

Mr. Zhou stood up, Swift was his favorite, of course he was anxious.

"Grandpa, you are eating, Swift may be mischievous in the backyard! Probably busy catching crickets again."

Zhou Zixu hurriedly stopped his grandfather, he followed and had to take care of him.

Li Yanhong also wanted to follow, but was stopped by Lu Sihui, the two of them walked out the door, Dong Sheng didn't eat, and ran after him.

"Dongsheng, what are you doing?"

Li Yanhong held Dong Sheng back, and the children followed along to join in the fun, and if they went, they would just add to the chaos.

"I'm going to find my sister."

Dongsheng was in a hurry to earn money. Seeing his second uncle and aunt left, he was naturally anxious.

"Don't go."

Old Master Zhou gave the order seriously, Zhou Dongsheng looked at the door unwillingly, clenched his fists tightly, but he didn't dare to run out after all.

Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu searched in the backyard, but no one?

I searched again in the front yard, but there was still no one there. The Wang family went, and so did the friends who were close to Wang Mingyuan, but they were not at home.

"Stinky boy, you finally abducted Swift."

Zhou Zixu gritted his teeth angrily. He knew that he should have brought Swift into the house as soon as he entered the house.

Lu Sihui was in a hurry now, if it was in the family building, it would be nothing, but outside the compound, no one could guarantee the safety of the child.

Hearing Zhou Zixu's words, she asked him anxiously, "What's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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