Chapter 1436
"It's okay, I just said it casually, you analyze it! These brats disappeared together, did they run out to play? Swift must have followed her, isn't that just abducting her?"

Zhou Zixu frowned and said, what he was thinking was that catching Wang Mingyuan would have to give him a beating, the brat should not be educated now, he would dare to elope with Swift when he grows up.

"Where can I go?"

Lu Sihui's anxious heart seemed to be caught by a cat's claws. At this moment, she really felt that Zixu couldn't find herself.

Zixu's voice is hoarse, and now she is also smoky.

"How? Have you found the child?"

Zhou Zixu went to Wang's house twice in a row, which alarmed Wang Mingyuan's grandfather and father. After discussing it at home, they felt that something was wrong. Could it be that his own boy took Swift away?Where might it go?
"No, I also went to Xiaoqiang's family and they were not at home. Do these children want to go to heaven?"

Zhou Zixu waved his hand angrily, other people's family is a boy, it's normal to be naughty, his family is a girl, how can he play with boys and run away from home?

He cast a sideways glance at his daughter-in-law, since the daughter-in-law follows her, she will kill first and play later.

"Don't worry, it should be in the compound, maybe playing peek-a-boo!"

Wang Guoqiang was not too anxious. Wang Mingyuan used to play around, and he would definitely go home when it was time for dinner.

"I searched around in the compound."

Zhou Zixu frowned, the Wang family was not worried, it was because he was a little boy, his family's Swift never left the door of the house, and just played in front of the door.

Without Wang Mingyuan taking her with her this time, she would definitely not dare to leave.

"Then ask Comrade Guard?"

After hearing this, Director Wang began to lose his mind. He couldn't find it in the compound, and the children from the other three families were also not at home.

A child can't set up a storm, but these four boys together can tear a hole in the sky, with amazing destructive power and audacity.

"Yes, ask Comrade Guard."

Lu Sihui couldn't wait to go to the gate first, although she usually had a serious face towards Swift, but she was more anxious than anyone else when the child was really lost.

That's how people are, when they are in a hurry, they forget everything.

Forget she has the baby space capsule, let the robot find it, and Swift is easy to find.

At this moment, she is one head and two older, and she wants to find her daughter immediately.

Zhou Zixu hurriedly strode forward, grabbed her, and persuaded in a soft voice: "Don't worry, we won't be far away."

He is worried about his wife, and pregnant women should not get too excited.

"Why don't you take Swift into the house?"

Lu Sihui threw his hand away angrily and complained to him.

Zhou Zixu sighed helplessly, he couldn't keep the child in the house, could he?
However, now that his wife is upset, he didn't argue with her.

Wang Guoqiang at the back was a little uncomfortable hearing this. His son had abducted his daughter, so he had to listen to his complaints.

A group of people came to the door and frightened the guards. The director and deputy ministers have come. Is it inspection work?


Loud voice, standard salute, I am afraid that if you do not do well, you will be reprimanded.

"Take a break."

Director Wang ordered solemnly, and Zhou Zixu glanced at him. At this time, don't put on the leader's airs, and get to the point.

But with him around, Zhou Zixu couldn't rush to ask questions, so he could only wait patiently. Lu Sihui was even more anxious, and took a step forward, wanting to ask the guard comrade in person, but Zhou Zixu held him back.

"Did you see any children going out?"

Finally, Director Wang asked the guard comrade.

Zhou Zixu, Lu Sihui, and Wang Guoqiang all looked nervously at the guards. They were really afraid that these little things would slip out of the family building and run away into the open sky and let the birds fly away.

(End of this chapter)

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