Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1437 Don't Want To Be A Headless Fly

Chapter 1437 Don't Want To Be A Headless Fly

"Sorry leader, I just took over, but I'm sure I didn't see a few kids go out."

Comrade doorman hurriedly saluted and replied, just changed shift, how could he know?
"Where's the guard comrade who came off your shift?"

Director Wang glanced at his watch, and it was indeed just a little after the shift change time, and he began to feel a little irritable, brat, I really have to clean up when I come back.

It's fine to do wild shopping by yourself, and bring someone's daughter with you.

What's the matter?How to explain to Lao Zhou?
"Go and call the guard comrade who is changing shift."

Director Wang gave an order to the guard, who saluted and ran away, leaving a few people standing at the door and waiting.

Lu Sihui and the others were impatient, and suddenly remembered about the space capsule. Instead of looking for it blindly, it is better to let the robot help to find it, and there is always a general direction.

"Zixu, I'm going home, you and Director Wang and the others go find it!"

"Physical discomfort?"

Zhou Zixu hurriedly asked her with concern, Lu Sihui nodded: "It's a bit boring, I'll wait at home, you guys go!"

"Well, you go back and finish your meal, lie down for a while, don't worry, I will definitely bring our daughter back."

Zhou Zixu wanted to send her back, but when he saw the guard coming over, he had to tell Lu Sihui a word.

Lu Sihui saw that the guard comrade had already come, and was going to listen before going back, so she didn't leave in a hurry.

"Good leadership."

The guard from the previous class ran over and saluted Director Wang and Zhou Zixu.

"Take a break."

Director Wang put his hands behind his back, and began to act like a big leader again.

Zhou Zixu rubbed his forehead, we are all on fire here, can you be simpler and ask the business?
"Did you see the four brats go out?"

Seeing Zhou Zixu's actions, Wang Wuxuan remembered that he was not testing comrades at work, but looking for his grandson and Minister Zhou's granddaughter.

"Report, half an hour ago, four boys and a girl walked out of the gate, holding a little rabbit in their arms."

Comrade doorman's answer made all four people present tense, did they really leave the family building?

"Let's look for it separately."

Director Wang looked at Zhou Zixu. After leaving the family building, there are many directions to go. Who knows where these scouts went?
"it is good."

Zhou Zixu nodded in agreement, and walked anxiously towards the back mountain. He was not aimless. The children left with the rabbit in their arms, and they might run to the back mountain to release the rabbit.

"Dad, I'll go to the woods over there, let the driver take you to the road."

Wang Guoqiang looked at his father, and the three of them searched separately. He also felt that the chances of the children going into the woods were relatively high. When he took the rabbit away, he always looked for a place with grass.

I remembered one thing. When my son was leaving with cabbage in the morning, his aunt taught him a lesson, saying that there were not many cabbages at home, so he took them away.

Xiao Mingyuan said to feed the rabbit, and then the aunt said, "Rabbits eat grass, just feed the grass."

Thinking about it now, it is possible that these children discussed it and took the rabbit out for a walk.

The three went to three places. Lu Sihui stood at the door and watched the three leave in a hurry. She frowned, not wanting to be a headless chicken, and turned to go home.

But thinking of being questioned by grandpa when I go home, I still don't go back, and go directly to the backyard. Others will not doubt it, and they will think that she is looking for the child.

After entering the woods in the backyard of the unit, she checked that there was no one around, and then she entered the space capsule and gave an order to the robot.

"Show me, where did Swift go?"


The robot obediently activated the big screen and launched a radar search. Because Swift is Lu Sihui's child, it is easy to find it.

Soon, the robot sends a message back.

"In the back mountain, there is danger."

(End of this chapter)

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