Chapter 1438 Dad, Save Me

Lu Sihui looked at the big screen and saw four children looking anxiously at a big pit. Swift was crying so hard that she couldn't get out of the pit. body, sticking out a bright red tongue at Swift.

Seeing this scene, Lu Sihui was so frightened that she could hardly breathe. The color of this snake was fresh, the more poisonous the snake, the better the color. Swift was really bitten by a poisonous snake, and it was too late for her to rescue her.

"Go and save her immediately, at all costs."

Lu Sihui clenched her fist and slammed it on the instrument, giving the robot a death order.

After all, when she and Zixu arrived at the back mountain, the cucumber dishes were cold.

This is at all costs, including exposing the capsule's secrets, and the cost of losing the capsule.


The robot mechanically agreed, and sent out the drone, flying towards the back mountain.

The speed was astonishingly fast, as if he had reached the back mountain in the blink of an eye.

Lu Sihui stared at the screen tightly, not daring to blink her eyes, and her palms were covered with cold sweat.

Suddenly, she saw Wang Mingyuan jumping into the pit with a rock and a tree root as thick as his wrist.

The poisonous snake saw something moving and quickly attacked.

Although Wang Mingyuan is not her own child, Lu Sihui still sweats for him.

Xiao Mingyuan is small and courageous, staring at his black eyes, and pursing his mouth tightly, when the person jumped down the pit, his hand movements were also very fast, pulling the branch towards the poisonous snake, and the stone towards it. It hit the piebald snake on the head.

The two moved together, at that moment, he didn't feel like a child, but like a brave stationer.

When Lu Sihui saw this scene, her heart almost stopped beating in fright.

She closed her eyes tightly, not daring to look again, she felt that Xiao Ming was far from escaping bad luck.

The attack speed of the snake is very fast. A child jumping into the pit again must not be able to avoid it.

After a while, she took a deep breath, opened her eyes and gave an order to the robot: "Save that boy."

"No, I didn't bite."

The robot turned its head and reported to her mechanically.

The drone had already flown over the heads of several children, and fired light-freezing bullets at the wriggling poisonous snake. The poisonous snake stopped its final struggle in an instant and turned into a dead snake.

"Look, what is that?"

The three children above the pit shouted, pointing at the monster in the air.

Inside the pit, Yuyan cried out of breath, Xiao Mingyuan slammed at the poisonous snake's head again, blood and flesh splashed everywhere, and he stopped.

Instead of looking at the children shouting above, he ran to Swift and hugged her to comfort her.

"I protect you, it's dead."

This scene happened to be seen by Lu Sihui, and her heart ached, little guy, the hero saved the beauty just now, so he came to take advantage of his daughter.

However, at this moment, her view of Xiao Mingyuan changed.

Of the four little boys, he was the only one who saved Swift when she was in danger, regardless of his own safety, which moved her.

"Little brother, I'm afraid."

Yuyan didn't dare to look at the snake, and buried her face in Wang Mingyuan's shoulder, crying heartbreakingly.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here, it's okay."

Wang Mingyuan was small but full of aura, with a firm face and resolute eyes. He hugged Little Swift tightly and comforted her.

"Uncle, Swift is here."

Xiaoqiang suddenly shouted, causing the two children in the pit to raise their necks upwards.

When Little Swift heard that her father was coming, she cried even harder, as if she had been greatly wronged.

"Daddy, save me, Daddy, save me."

(End of this chapter)

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