Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1439 Always Give Him Some Punishment

Chapter 1439 Always Give Him Some Punishment

Zhou Zixu first saw the three children standing by the pit, but he didn't find his daughter, so he ran towards them anxiously. They went out together, where did his daughter go?
When he heard Swift's cry, Zhou Zixu rushed to the edge of the pit in three quick steps.

"Yuyan, Dad is here to save you."

After seeing the piebald snake, Zhou Zixu's heart almost stopped beating. He comforted the girl in a low voice, picked up a branch, and wanted to divert the piebald snake's attention to him to ensure the safety of Wang Mingyuan and his daughter.

"Uncle, the snake is dead, I beat it."

After Wang Mingyuan discovered Zhou Zixu's actions, he proudly announced to him.

"Stinky boy, do you think I can forgive you if you kill the snake?"

Zhou Zixu stared at Wang Mingyuan with peachy eyes, scolded him angrily, jumped into the pit, and hugged his daughter in his arms.

Swift, who was spoiled and spoiled at home, was so frightened that she trembled all over, which made Zhou Zixu feel bad.

"Yuyan, don't be afraid, Dad will rescue you out."

He first coaxed the girl with a gentle voice, and then he picked her up and sent her to the edge of the pit.

The pit was more than one meter deep. Fortunately, Zhou Zixu was tall, so he raised his hand and sent the child up.

He was secretly angry in his heart, if he didn't come, Mingyuan and Swift alone would not be able to get up.

"You boy, if you have the ability to be a monster, just go up there yourself."

Zhou Zixu scolded Wang Mingyuan angrily.

He abducted his daughter and almost died, so he must be punished.

"it is good."

Wang Mingyuan clenched his small fists, and the little boy's eyes were unyielding and stubborn.

Zhou Zixu raised one corner of his mouth amusedly, he wanted to see, how did this kid get up there?

Putting his hands on the edge of the pit and using his arms slightly, Zhou Zixu had already jumped up.

Holding Swift in his arms, he stood by the pit and looked at Xiao Mingyuan seriously.

"Come up!"

He gave Wang Mingyuan an order, and was very curious about how he would come up.

I just calculated the height in my mind, at least 1.6 meters up.

How tall is Xiao Mingyuan?At most one meter, short of this distance, even if you jump up, you won't be able to reach the edge of the pit.

"Dad, pull the little brother up."

Zhou Yuyan cried very sadly, but seeing that her father didn't care about Wang Mingyuan, she couldn't care less about crying. The chubby patted her father's shoulder fiercely, insisting that he bring Wang Mingyuan up.

"Shut up, go home and clean you up."

Zhou Zixu reprimanded Swift angrily, and sneaked out of the compound without telling the adults, it would be impossible without education.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo outs

Little Swift whimpered angrily, and Zhou Zixu was speechless when she shouted.

Dear old man, I didn't hit you again!Still let mom help?
While crying, Swift observed her father secretly. Seeing his stern face and eyes like ice, the little guy lost his mind.

Hard is not enough, she plans to be soft: "Father, save the little brother and come up! He saved me before going down."

There was a soft voice, and the little hands were still shaking Dad's neck, and the big eyes with teardrops looked at Dad pitifully.

"To shut up."

Zhou Zixu was dizzy from being shaken by his daughter, and he couldn't even see how that brat came up.

I had no choice but to yell at her, this time, I will not give her a smile easily, nor will I coax her, let her know that I am afraid, so that I can behave properly in the future.

"Woo, little brother, I can't save you."

Little Swift struggled in her father's arms, watching Wang Mingyuan in the pit jump towards the edge of the pit, but every time she couldn't get up, she cried even more sadly.

"Bad dad, let me go, I'm going to accompany my little brother."

(End of this chapter)

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