Chapter 1440

The little girl hit her father's face with her chubby hand, twisted her body, and jumped to the ground desperately.

Sharing weal and woe, Zhou Zixu immediately thought of this word. This girl hit her own father, and she hit her hard.

Why didn't he know that his daughter was so loyal?
"Be honest, spank your ass."

Zhou Zixu grabbed his daughter's hand and threatened her seriously, but Little Swift was not afraid at all, and was still jumping on the ground vigorously, but how could her strength be better than her strong father?

She was so angry that she cried even harder. She took her small hand and pinched Dad's arm, but she couldn't pinch the flesh at all.

Zhou Zixu looked at her amusedly. He has a strong and iron frame. As long as his arms are a little bit hard, they are all hard muscles. How can a child pinch them?

"Uncle, save Mingyuan?"

Both Jiang Guorong and Mu Changjiang ran over to beg Zhou Zixu, but Xiaoqiang hid aside and dared not come over.

"He said he could come up."

Zhou Zixu looked down at Xiao Mingyuan, this kid is stubborn enough, if he begs for mercy, he will naturally hug him up.

But he would rather find a way by himself than ask him.

He raised his eyebrows, his temper resembled his own.

Suddenly, Wang Mingyuan gave up jumping, because he found that the distance he jumped could not reach the edge of the ditch at all, and he was tired enough.

Sitting on the bottom of the pit with one fart 1. buttocks, his little brows were furrowed, and he was trying to find a way to get up when he was resting.

"Why don't you go up? Please! Please come up with me."

Zhou Zixu looked at Wang Mingyuan in the pit, with a smirk on his lips. This is a thousand-mile horse, but it is too wild, and he must be tempered.

The piebald snake whose eyes were on Wang Mingyuan's side, this kid's courage is not ordinary.

Sitting next to the snake, not afraid at all?
"I don't beg you."

Wang Mingyuan raised his neck and shouted loudly at Zhou Zixu, still waving his small fists in the air.

"Then how do you come up? Do you want me to help you find your father?"

Zhou Zixu's eyes turned cold, brat, who is this stubborn like?
If you don't know how to be flexible, you will suffer in the future.


When Mingyuan heard that he was looking for his father, he immediately became nervous. If he knew that he had brought swifts to the mountains, he would have to whip him with a belt.

The black eyeballs that were rolling around, suddenly saw the branches standing in the hole, and the eyes suddenly lit up, and he had a way to get out.

Zhou Zixu looked at him amusedly, what did this kid think of?It's fun to look excited.

When he saw Xiao Mingyuan stand up and press the branches, he smiled, this kid is really smart.

"Woo, little brother, be careful."

Little Swift was tired from struggling, but her father didn't let her go, and shouted at Mingyuan while wiping her tears.

Zhou Zixu was amused by his daughter's anger. Why does he feel like a tiger mother who abuses her children?
"Swift, don't cry, I can go up."

Wang Mingyuan, who can't protect himself, is still in the mood to coax Swift at this moment, which makes Zhou Zixu feel like he is a bad eagle breaking up a pair of mandarin ducks?
"I do not cry."

Just now, Swift was still flooding Jinshan, and when she heard Wang Mingyuan's words, she sobbed choked up, and really stopped crying.

Zhou Zixu took out his handkerchief amusedly, trying to help his daughter wipe away her tears. This little face looked dirty in one direction and another in the west.

"Don't rub it."

Swift stared at her black eyes, pouted, and opened her father's hand: "You are a bad person."

Zhou Zixu was speechless, his good impression in his daughter's heart was ruined because of Wang Mingyuan, a brat.

Squint your eyes and look into the pit, brat, how will I deal with you in the future?
The next second, he smiled.
(End of this chapter)

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