Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1441 Brothers are united, their profits break gold

Chapter 1441 Brothers are united, their profits break gold

Brat, you really have two skills.

Wang Mingyuan, who was inside the pit, climbed towards the edge of the pit with the help of the dead branch with the thickness of his wrist. The little boy usually climbed trees and houses, and the ability to climb high was born with him.

"Let's help him."

Seeing Wang Mingyuan climbing up carefully holding the branches, Mu Changjiang and Jiang Guorong ran over and lay down beside the pit, one holding on to the dead branches, and the other reaching out to Wang Mingyuan: "Mingyuan, grab my hand."

After Zhou Zixu saw this, the corners of his mouth raised in joy. Brothers are united, and their sharpness can cut through gold.

These little buddies are quite loyal.

In an instant, the smile on his mouth disappeared, and he looked back at Xiaoqiang who was hiding aside.

"Why don't you go and help?"

Asking him in a cold voice, Xiaoqiang shook his head in fright: "I'm afraid of snakes, and I'm afraid of heights."

His voice was still a little trembling, and when Zhou Zixu asked him, Xiaoqiang took a few steps back, for fear that he would pull him over.

"Difficult to become a master."

Zhou Zixu shook his head. They are all children in the compound, and they are also known as the four little overlords. With such courage, he is destined to not have great achievements.

Xiaoqiang felt guilty when he saw him, he lowered his head and put his hands behind his back, as if he had made a mistake.

Zhou Zixu didn't bother to look at him anymore, but looked into the pit. Wang Mingyuan was struggling to climb up, and the two brothers were cheering him on, "Come on, come on."

Little Swift in his arms also yelled, and Zhou Zixu put her on the ground in a funny way, wanting to see what his daughter would do?
As soon as Little Swift was free, she ran to the edge of the pit, and imitated Jiang Guorong, lying on the edge of the pit and stretching out her hand to Xiao Mingyuan.

"Little brother, I will save you."

have to.
Zhou Zixu shook his head. After all, he still wanted to save Wang Mingyuan. He was not afraid of falling in. When did his daughter become so bold?

With the efforts of several children, Wang Mingyuan climbed up and looked at Zhou Zixu provocatively:
"I'm up."

"Come up? Good."

Zhou Zixu looked at him with a half-smile, and Wang Mingyuan's heart was ringing with alarm.

Why do you feel that what happened today is going to make a big fuss?

Yuyan looked at Wang Mingyuan aggrieved, and reported to him in a low voice.

"Little brother, all the rabbits and rabbits have run away."

"Run away? I'll catch it."

Seeing Little Swift's unhappy look, Wang Mingyuan patted her chest, said something firmly, and walked towards the woods.

"Bring me back."

Zhou Zixu grabbed him by the collar angrily, and carried him to his side.

"Let go of me, you're not a good person."

Xiao Mingyuan yelled at his mentor, he had endured him in the pit for a long time, he danced so hard, Zhou Zixu just stood on the sidelines, and he was very angry.

Now he is still messing with him?Don't want to learn from him anymore, he is a bad person.

"Willing to die? This is called punishment for you. You just ask for forgiveness, and I will naturally pull you up."

Zhou Zixu was overjoyed, this kid still knows how to die?


Wang Mingyuan turned his face away angrily, and continued to clenched his fists, looking unconvinced.

"Who gave you the right to abduct my daughter? Do you know that there are many poisonous snakes and beasts in this mountain?"

Seeing that Wang Mingyuan would rather die than submit, Zhou Zixu taught him in a cold voice.

"We feed the bunnies, yes."

Wang Mingyuan's confidence was obviously not as good as before. He smuggled Swift out and fell into the pit, almost being bitten by a snake.

This is all his fault, his character is to admit his mistakes, so he bowed his head.

"I'm teaching you a lesson to let you know, what will you do if your lord doesn't come? You can come up by yourself, what about Swift? Can she come up? If you are really bitten by a poisonous snake, how can you pay me a precious girl?"

(End of this chapter)

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