Chapter 1442
The more Zhou Zixu spoke, the harsher his voice became, the lower Wang Mingyuan's little head became. In the end, his hostility disappeared, and he honestly admitted his mistake; "Uncle, I was wrong."

"Wrong? Forget it?"

Zhou Zixu continued to have a serious face, but he didn't give him a smile anyway, and the sharpness in his voice was the same as when he faced disobedient stationmates at work.

"I am willing to accept punishment."

Xiao Mingyuan raised his head and saluted Zhou Zixu, looking decent, admitting mistakes, he is responsible.

Zhou Zixu smiled in satisfaction, but the gloomy look in his eyes made Xiao Mingyuan feel that things would not be that simple.

"Go back, run ten laps in the backyard, do twenty push-ups, can you do it?"

Children and adults have different physical strength, Zhou Zixu didn't punish him too harshly.

Xiao Mingyuan raised his head, his eyes were firm, and his voice was loud: "Yes."

Little Swift on the side glared at her father angrily: "Bad guy."

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter with a cold face, little thing, since he said so, he should be a bad person.

"You too, leave home secretly without telling your parents, go back and be punished with him."

This is the most serious time for Zixu to his daughter, the first time to punish her.


Yuyan snorted, turned her face away from her father, but she also had the ambition not to ask for help.

"Yuyan, go home and find you, Mom."

Xiao Mingyuan whispered to Yuyan that he could see that Yuyan's father was afraid of her mother.

"Little villain, you still give bad ideas?"

Zhou Zixu gave him a big neck, and scolded him funny.

"Hmph, you are not a good father."

When it comes to Swift, Xiao Mingyuan is like a little tiger, not afraid of the sky and the earth, and he meets Zhou Zixu.

"Come on."

Zhou Zixu kicked him.

This is what Lu Sihui saw when she walked over.

His eyes flickered, and he walked towards them.

"Mom, Dad is a bad guy."

After seeing her mother, Little Swift ran over, crying so hard that she sued her father.

"To shut up."

Lu Sihui scolded coldly, she didn't mean to help her get ahead at all, but pushed her away instead.

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter with a smile, Sihui is not a person who spoils children, this time, if Swift doesn't educate her, she will dare to go to heaven in the future.

When she saw her being threatened by a poisonous snake, her heart almost stopped beating in fright.


Little Swift called her timidly, pointing to her mother to support her!Why is she more fierce than her father?
"Don't call me."

Lu Sihui glared at her, but still had a bad tone.

No matter how young Swift is, she can understand that her mother is angry, did she really do something wrong?
Aggrieved, she lowered her head and shook her little hand, not daring to look at Lu Sihui.

Zhou Zixu looked at Sihui with a smile, and knew that she would not make trouble with him because of Swift, and had principles.

"You, how could you take Swift away without going through us."

When he was training the girl, he found Wang Mingyuan quietly standing in front of Swift, as if he wanted to protect her.

She angrily taught him that these children must admit their mistakes, otherwise what would happen.

"I was wrong, Auntie."

At this moment, Wang Mingyuan just wanted Lu Sihui to take his anger out on him, so that he would stop scolding Swift.

"You're just wrong."

Lu Sihui's tone was obviously much better. Seeing Xiao Mingyuan in the space capsule even risking his own life to save his daughter, at that moment, she was very attached to this brat.

"Let's go! Go home."

Lu Sihui hugged Swift and stretched out her hand to Xiao Mingyuan.

Looking at Lu Sihui's hand, Wang Mingyuan was stunned for a moment, and stood still.

"not going back?"

(End of this chapter)

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