Chapter 1448


Seeing his daughter turning her face away and ignoring him, Zhou Zixu felt overwhelmed again, so he simply ignored him and issued orders to Xiao Mingyuan.

Looking at the little thing again, it seemed to be on a spring. As soon as he yelled, he took the lead and ran out. The speed was not slow.

At this time, the sun was already high, Zhou Zixu glanced at his watch, he was already late, but it didn't matter if he didn't go.

Go back and make a phone call in a while, let's take a rest today!Anyway, I took a week off.

After a lap, there were no major problems. The little boy is usually full of energy.

After three laps, I can still persist, but the pace is obviously slow.

After all, he is a child, and he doesn't know how to use his strength evenly. Running so fast consumes physical energy, and gradually he can't do it anymore, panting heavily, panting from exhaustion.

Little Swift has already stumbled, she has never exercised before, she is spoiled and spoiled, she will act like a baby when she is tired.

Today, because I was angry with my father, I didn't want to talk to him, so I ran away holding my breath, and in the end, I turned into walking, walking around in circles, dizzy, and looked listless.

However, he has been refusing to beg for mercy with his father.

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter distressedly, his face still sinking like water, and he endured his distress not to look at his daughter.

After five laps, Little Swift squatted on the ground playing tricks, and Wang Mingyuan's footsteps began to slow down, but the little guy's eyes were still firm, he pursed his mouth, and continued running without saying a word.

Wang Guoqiang looked at his sweating son who was running away, and it was a lie to say that he didn't feel sorry for him, but he didn't open his mouth to plead for his son.

The loving father kept chasing his son's figure, and said to Zhou Zixu beside him, "My son admires you the most. Look, listen to you more."

"Brother Wang, this son of yours needs to be cultivated well, with perseverance and tenacity, so that he can become a dragon in the future."

Zhou Zixu looked at Wang Mingyuan with the critical eyes of an old father-in-law looking at his son-in-law, but he couldn't find anything wrong.

"Haha, it must be matched with your golden phoenix."

Which father is not willing to listen to praise his son?Wang Guoqiang was obviously happy.

"Brother Wang, don't you need to go to work?"

Zhou Zixu looked at him sideways, his sparkling peach eyes, like sparkling black gemstones in the sun, shining brightly, but a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, it's broken, this brat, I really have to deal with him when I get home tonight."

After being reminded by Zhou Zixu, Wang Guoqiang panicked immediately, and looked at his watch, he was already late.

As a leader, you have to lead by example, and he was late?

"Aren't you going to work?"

He looked at the calm Zhou Zixu suspiciously. He is also the leader of the unit, so why is he still acting like an idler?
"I'm taking a few days off."

Zhou Zixu took out a cigarette and handed it to Wang Guoqiang. He bit the cigarette holder and took out a cigarette. He held the imported lighter and clasped his hands. He lit a cigarette for Wang Guoqiang first.

"The left and right are late, and it's not too late for this cigarette."

"You, why didn't you remind me earlier, stop smoking."

Wang Guoqiang didn't care about smoking anymore, so he tucked the cigarette Zixu gave him behind his ears, and strode towards the front yard with big strides. Before he left, he looked at his son again, hoping that he could finish the ten laps.

There was a narrow smile in Zhou Zixu's dark eyes, he folded his hands together and turned on the lighter, lit a cigarette for himself, took a deep breath, and spit out beautiful smoke rings into the air, large circles surrounded by small circles, one by one.

Wang Mingyuan was angry with Zhou Zixu for punishing Swift. Seeing that his father had left, he wanted to ask Zhou Zixu to intercede with Swift. At worst, he ran more laps that Swift had not completed!He doesn't care either.

When he saw Zhou Zixu's chic smoking posture, his eyes began to flood again, and he looked at Zhou Zixu adoringly.

(End of this chapter)

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