Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1449 Hua Tuo Tastes Grass

Chapter 1449 Hua Tuo Tastes Herbs

Why does he feel that Uncle Zhou is different in everything he does, even if he smokes, he is more handsome than his father, and in the future, he will be like him.

Zhou Zixu didn't know his position in Mingyuan's heart. Seeing him looking at him, he stopped, his eyes turned cold, and he yelled at him: "What are you doing? Want to be lazy? Run quickly."

Many years later, Wang Mingyuan was still complaining to Swift! 【Your father is so vicious, he didn't give me time to catch his breath, and he yelled at me as soon as he stopped, it's frightening to death. 】

Lu Sihui cleaned up the piebald snake by herself in the kitchen. She threw away the venom sac and fangs. After checking that there was nothing wrong with it, she first cleaned it with baking soda, then scrubbed it with salt, and finally rinsed it under the faucet until it was clean. net.

Aunt Su stood aside with a pale face. She wanted to help, but she was really afraid of this boneless thing.

Since she was a child, she was most afraid of snakes, so she could only chop green onions and shred ginger, and she couldn't help with the rest.

It was strange, how could Sihui not be afraid of this thing?

It was terrible. After the skin was peeled off, there was a red section, a piece of meat like a chicken neck, which made her feel disgusted.

"Sihui, is it okay for pregnant women to eat this food?"

She couldn't help but persuade her, why dare to eat anything?Goosebumps all over her body just looking at this thing, she definitely wouldn't have the guts to let her eat it.

Lu Sihui chopped the snake into small pieces and threw them into the pot to scald them.

Putting down the kitchen knife and looking at Aunt Su, her eyes were very cold, and her voice was not warm: "I don't know, if you can't eat it, I will give it to Zixu. This snake must be eaten. Who will let it scare my daughter."

This is her attitude, and she thinks that Zixu must think so, otherwise how could she bring the poisonous snake back?
"Stop being poisoned? I've heard that piebald snakes are poisonous."

Aunt Su endured the nausea in her heart, and carefully persuaded Lu Sihui that Zixu had grown up with her, so don't get poisoned again because of eating snake meat.

"Aunt Su, don't worry! Go to the front room to clean up. I want to make snake soup myself."

Lu Sihui was worried by what she said, and planned to go into the space capsule to get some antidote and put it in the snake soup.

First of all, Aunt Su must be driven away, she is inconvenient.

Aunt Su really wanted to leave, but Sihui was a pregnant woman, so she went out and left the pregnant woman in the kitchen, isn't it a bit unethical?

"Eh? Can it work?"

"You go out!"

Lu Sihui waved her hand with a smile, seeing that the snake meat was blanched with blood, she used a strainer to fish out the snake meat to control the water.

After the snake soup was ready, Lu Sihui felt delicious when she smelled it, and her saliva almost flowed out. The soup was clear and bright, and the red ones were goji berries, which seemed to be the finishing touch in the soup. Lu Sihui picked up the chopped coriander Sprinkle on top of the soup with shallots, and after adding sesame oil, the aroma is tangy.

She held the casserole and smelled it, the corners of her mouth raised in joy.

Zixu is a greedy cat, he will definitely grow big when he sees it.

Walking out of the kitchen with the snake soup in hand, Grandpa was curious and came over to look at it with his hands behind his back.

"It's not bad, it looks delicious, can you share a bowl with grandpa?"

Mr. Zhou stroked his chin, salivating at the sight of the snake soup. The granddaughter-in-law came back, and he could feast on it again.

The meals she cooks are even more delicious than Xiao Su's, even ordinary boiled noodles.

"Grandpa, can the elderly eat snakes?"

Lu Sihui didn't know medical skills, so she didn't dare to give it to her grandfather.

"It's okay. Hua Tuo used to taste herbs. Today, grandpa will help Zixu try it first. If it's okay, let him eat it. If it's okay, it doesn't matter if grandpa is old."

what this said
(End of this chapter)

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