Chapter 1458
Zhou Zixu jumped out of the jeep and walked towards the door with big strides. When he saw his daughter holding Wang Mingyuan's hand, he couldn't help but asked with a smile.


Wang Mingyuan's small face was flushed, and he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

This little bird was paid to Swift, but now she has so many little rabbits, she probably doesn't like it, right?

"To be honest, did this little bird steal from your grandfather? You kid, you learned how to borrow flowers to offer Buddha at a young age?"

Zhou Zixu raised his face and taught him that if it was what he thought, there would be something wrong with Mingyuan's quality.

"Of course not, I asked Grandpa for it."

Wang Mingyuan's face turned red, he clenched his fists tightly, and shouted at Zhou Zixu with his neck stuck.

He felt that this was an insult to him, a thief, who was found on the bus, and everyone beat him up, it was a dishonorable thing.

"Your grandfather? Can you still ask for his bird?"

Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows amusedly. Leader Wang liked birds the most. When he was free, he would carry the bird cage and swing back and forth, euphemistically called walking the birds.

It seems like last year, right?A good friend led by Wang Da caught a starling in his eyes, and asked him to ask for it, but he blushed a little, but he didn't give it.

"Well, grandpa gave it."

Wang Mingyuan nodded heavily, and Zhou Zixu looked into the child's eyes for a while, black and white were distinct, without any panic.

"Okay! Come inside!"

Zhou Zixu smelled the aroma of barbecue, as if he had thought of something, his face sank, and a chill appeared in his eyes.

After sending the two children into the house, he walked up to his wife with a heavy face: "Why are you disobedient? Didn't you promise me?"

His voice was so low that only the two of them could hear him, and his tone was a bit cold.

"I bought it, and it cost more than ten yuan!"

Lu Sihui pretended to be innocent, and said the same to him in a low voice.


Zhou Zixu squinted his eyes and looked at his daughter-in-law. Her big watery eyes were as clear as a clear river that could be seen to the bottom at a glance. There was no flicker like a liar, and she dared not look at others.

"Otherwise? Can I still steal it?"

Anyway, Lu Sihui killed her because she bought it. Where can he find the seller?

"Then you have gone to the back mountain as well."

Zhou Zixu didn't tangle with her and changed the subject.

"Yeah! My daughter was crying sadly, so I thought, we are all punished, do we have to coax the child, she is reluctant to part with the little rabbit, so I went for a walk at the foot of the back mountain, trying to find it for her, but someone sold it, I just bought them all back, and there are two pheasants! Aunt Su is stewing in the house!"

Lu Sihui smiled sweetly, looking a little smug, as if she really got a big deal.

Zhou Zixu frowned and looked at her carefully for a while, but he didn't see that she was guilty.

"Come on, don't look at me with the eyes of a bad guy, go into the house to eat barbecue, this is just for number one."

Lu Sihui pushed him, her pretty face turned cold and she looked very angry.

As soon as Zhou Zixu saw his daughter-in-law with a straight face, his temper disappeared and he believed in her unconditionally.

"Okay, I'll go in."

He replied hesitantly, his brows twisted into the word Chuan, and he stepped into the room with a heavy heart.


Lu Sihui let out a long breath and continued to roast the hare.

"Auntie, it smells so good."

Xiaoqiang was attracted by the scent, and came over like a greedy cat.

Lu Sihui's face darkened, she continued to roast the hare with her head down, as if she didn't hear it.

I can't like Xiaoqiang no matter what, I called Dongsheng Yezhong before, but today I am greedy for life and afraid of death, and abandon my friends at critical moments.

"What are you doing here? You are not welcome in my family."

(End of this chapter)

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