Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1459 is the bumpkin blooming

Chapter 1459 is the bumpkin blooming

Dongsheng walked home with his mother. When he saw Xiaoqiang, Dongsheng immediately changed his face, ran over, and pushed Xiaoqiang to prevent him from standing at the door of his house.

"Xiaoqiang, don't do this."

Li Yanhong hurriedly stopped him, they are neighbors, how could she be so rude?
"Sister-in-law, you're back."

Lu Sihui greeted Li Yanhong with a smile. The hare was half-roasted, with a rich meaty aroma, and drops of hot oil dripped onto the burning wood, making the flames a little higher.

In this case, it is necessary to keep roasting the hare, and evacuate if necessary, so as not to burn the rabbit.

"Yeah, it smells so good!"

Li Yanhong looked at Lu Sihui enviously, she could cook, and the food she made was delicious, as long as grandpa tasted it, he would know which dish was made by Sihui and which dish was made by Aunt Su?
As for myself, I have cooked a few times. Li Yanhong is from the south, and the dishes she cooks are mainly light. Sometimes, the vegetables are boiled, mixed with a little salt and monosodium glutamate. He doesn't like to eat.

The ones made by Sihui have a strong fragrance and are not very salty, but they are delicious, and she likes to eat them.

"Sister-in-law, there are roasted ones in the house, but I heard that pregnant women can't eat rabbit meat, it's easy to grow rabbit hair."

Lu Sihui turned over the hare with a smile. She didn't plan to eat it herself. There was pheasant, which tasted good too.

"Really? I haven't heard of it, but when it comes to children, we all have to pay attention."

Li Yanhong got nervous when she heard that, she cared very much about the child in her stomach, and it was nothing to miss a meal for him.

"Sister-in-law, Aunt Su has stewed pheasant, you can eat that."

Lu Sihui let Li Yanhong enter the room, and she had to bake for a while.

Xiaoqiang clenched his fists and looked at Lu Sihui aggrievedly. He saw Wang Mingyuan being led into the house by Swift, and his aunt let him in. Why didn't he let him in?
Lu Sihui turned a blind eye to him, but this caused dissatisfaction among some people.

"Xiaoqiang, what are you doing? Can't our family afford meat? Do you want to stand begging in front of someone else's house?"

When Xiaoqiang's mother came home from get off work, she saw her son standing at the door of Zhou's house from a distance, watching the roasted rabbit swallowing his saliva.

The anger in my heart burst out immediately, I came over and grabbed my son, and yelled at him loudly.

"Wow, mom, I want to eat barbecue."

When Xiaoqiang saw his mother coming, he burst into tears. He ate it once, and it was delicious!

He thought that when his mother came and he cried and made trouble, Lu Sihui would definitely give it to her if she was embarrassed.

Lu Sihui looked at Xiaoqiang's mother with a sneer, was she talking to herself?

She didn't like this woman. Xiaoqiang used to call Dongsheng Yezhong, and there was also her education in it.

The hare was almost cooked, she picked up the soil she had prepared and poured it on the fire, and turned around and entered the house with the roasted hare, treating the mother and child as transparent people.

"Bah, what's the air? I'm just a rural person. I don't know how to pretend. Zhou Zixu is so coquettish. Sooner or later, you will cry."

Xiaoqiang's mother spit on the ground angrily, gritting her teeth and cursing in a low voice.

Xiaoqiang on the side didn't have anything to eat, and cried even harder.

"Cry, cry, cry, you know how to cry. She is a big leader. If you go to her door to beg for food, can I give it to you? Go home."

When Xiaoqiang's mother saw her son crying, she felt that he was worthless, and cursed loudly angrily.

Lu Sihui, who had just entered the room, naturally heard it, angrily stuffed the hare to Zhou Zixu, turned around and walked out.

The door opened, and Xiaoqiang's mother was still dragging the child away, muttering loudly, and Xiaoqiang was crying and refused to leave.

There are many people coming and going at this time, and many family members are looking at this side.

(End of this chapter)

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