Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1460 This person lost a lot today

Chapter 1460 This person lost a lot today

Lu Sihui's face turned dark at that time, and when she opened the door, she wanted to answer her a few words, but Zhou Zixu stopped her.

"Daughter-in-law, I'll clean her up."

Zhou Zixu handed the roasted rabbit to Sihui, and his daughter-in-law was bullied, did he pretend that he didn't exist?
Lu Sihui pursed her lips tightly, she didn't need Zhou Zixu to help her out, so she went out and slapped her across the face, to see if she still dares to insult others?

Zhou Zixu coaxed her in a low voice: "Sihui, you are pregnant! Don't fight, it's not good for the child."

All right!Lu Sihui compromised, and watched Zhou Zixu open the door and stride out.

Grandpa Zhou was afraid that his grandson would be messed up, so he hurriedly followed him out. If he really hit someone, he had to be pulled back.

"Ha, sister-in-law, when did I become flirtatious? Why are you running the train with your mouth full? Is it because Lao Wu is flirtatious outside? Do you think all men in the world are like that?"

Zhou Zixu looked cynical when he went out, with his hands in his pockets, his perfect jaw was tense, and the corner of his mouth was smiling, but he looked at Xiaoqiang's mother coldly.

Xiaoqiang's mother didn't expect Zhou Zixu to come out to help his daughter-in-law get ahead, and her husband is still the leader under Zhou Zisong, do you want to be promoted in the future?
Cold sweat broke out on his head, this Zhou Zixu is a devil in the world, he can make you dizzy in arguments without reason, not to mention, he is taking reason now!

I can only quibble, bite to death and refuse to admit it. "Uh, I didn't say that! You heard wrong."

"You guys have heard it! The old lady has a bad mouth and loves to gossip when she has nothing to do. She usually ignores you and runs to my door to scold you. That is a public provocation. Can I let you?"

Zhou Zixu sneered recklessly, he must make a big fuss today, before getting married, as long as he has reason, he can turn the world around.

Dare to give Sihui anger, today's business is endless.

He yelled at the family members who were watching the excitement around him. These people were all silent, and they all lived in a large courtyard.

But he still despises Xiaoqiang's mother, the old women talk badly, block the door and scold Zhou Zixu's daughter-in-law, can he get used to it?
Xiaoqiang's mother was frightened, lowered her head, and led her son to try to slip away.

"Stop, who told you to go? Explain the matter clearly, why am I so pissed off?"

Zhou Zixu could let her slip away, and if it got serious, her man would know, and if her man knew, at least he would have to deal with her.

He used to call Dongsheng a bastard. He warned him, but he didn't expect that if he didn't change his nature, he would have to deal with it.

Xiaoqiang's mother was about to cry, and she glanced around. Today, this person has lost a lot.

He wanted to frame Zhou Zixu, saying that he bullied others because he was the son of the deputy district chief, but there were so many eyes around him!Said, who believes?
They all saw that she was blocking the door and cursing, Zhou Zixu kept putting his hands in his trouser pockets, and everyone was watching helplessly!
"Big brother, I was wrong, I shouldn't be talking nonsense."

Xiaoqiang's mother apologized in embarrassment, and wanted to leave here, so she could only pretend to be cowardly.

"Mother Xiaoqiang, your father-in-law and my son have a good relationship, how could you block my door and curse at others!"

Mr. Zhou stared at her seriously, what's wrong with his daughter-in-law from the countryside?He was also a rural person before he became an ice maker. He looked down on rural people. Don’t eat food, don’t eat vegetables, eat by yourself.

The people around saw that the old man was angry, and knew that this matter could not be easily settled.

After all, this is Deputy Zhou's family, and the subordinate's daughter-in-law blocked the door and scolded him, which affected the prestige of the leader.

Everyone looked at Xiaoqiang's mother who was trying to kill her. This woman has a bad mouth. After this time, maybe she can be more honest!

"What are you doing all around here?"

(End of this chapter)

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