Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1461 What's the matter

Chapter 1461 What's the matter

A cold voice sounded from behind the crowd, and he could be heard to be very unhappy. The voice was not very loud, but it had enough deterrent power to make people dare not disobey.
Everyone stepped aside, Zhou Baichuan glanced at a group of women with a cold expression, the door of his house was blocked, what's going on?
Seeing Deputy District Zhou, Xiaoqiang's mother was so frightened that she almost sat on the ground, regretting that she shouldn't show off her tongue today.
Isn't it just a piece of rabbit meat? If you don't eat it, you won't die. Why did she block the door and scold Lu Sihui!
I have always belittled her as a rural woman, but I didn't expect that her current status is the daughter-in-law of the deputy district chief, the daughter-in-law of the deputy minister, and the deputy captain herself.
This is simply looking for death, bumping into the cusp of the storm.
Big drops of cold sweat fell from his head, he lowered his head and looked at the ground, not daring to look up.
"Dad, people call me a flirt. Sooner or later, they will kick Sihui. Isn't this trying to provoke our relationship as husband and wife?"

When Zhou Zixu saw his father came back, his expression was still gloomy, as if he had been greatly wronged.

Lu Sihui in the room looked at Xiaoqiang's mother coldly, walked into the toilet with a sneer, and gave orders to the robot in the space capsule.

There is no need to punish her too severely, just make her dare not talk nonsense in the future.

"Little comrade, don't talk nonsense. If because of your words, my daughter-in-law and my son fight and the couple divorces, aren't you a sinner? Okay, go back and reflect, think about what you should say in the future, What not to say."

Zhou Baichuan stared at Xiaoqiang's mother seriously, with a cold voice and dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Just because she is a lesbian, he didn't go any further.

"Yes Yes."

Xiaoqiang's mother nodded and bowed again and again, pulling her son to leave in embarrassment.

"Mom. I want to eat rabbit meat."

Xiaoqiang is still thinking about the delicious rabbit meat. In fact, he doesn't have to eat it, but he just feels that he is excluded by the three brothers now, and they don't want to play with him.

He wanted to blend in. Wang Mingyuan was the head of several children, and if he was with him, the other two friends would naturally accept him as before.

And Swift, he likes being with her quite a bit, but she doesn't like him very much, the more this is the case, the more he wants to play with her.

"Eat, eat, eat, why don't you eat to death."

Xiaoqiang's mother vented all her anger on her son. Today, she lost face a lot. In front of so many family members, she was asked by the district chief to go back and reflect.

It wasn't her own people who were lost, but also her husband. He would be laughed at in the work unit in the future.

"Woo, you hit me, I'll tell grandpa to go."

Xiaoqiang ran away crying, and Xiaoqiang's mother cried angrily. With his father-in-law's character, who dares to touch his precious grandson, that's okay?
"Go back! I'm not dead yet! It's a shame to go to someone else's house and cry for funerals."

Mr. Zhou flew into a rage and yelled at her.

The Zhou family doesn't bully others, but they can't be bullied either. In this regard, Zhou Zixu's character is like a grandfather, and he doesn't suffer.

Xiaoqiang's mother was so frightened that she hurriedly silenced, sobbing and pushing away from the crowd, she left in embarrassment.

The more I walked, the more I felt something was wrong. Why did my face look a little numb, and I was still drooling, what's wrong?
Frightened, I ran home.

As soon as he entered the door, he was scolded by his father-in-law.

"It's outrageous, the child is ignorant, and you are also ignorant? Going to the door of Deputy District Chief Zhou's house to scold people, do you want to make your man go home early? Also, if you scold the child outside, you are not afraid of hurting his face." ?”

Xiaoqiang's mother was wronged, but she didn't dare to argue with her father-in-law. The old man scolded for a long time before calming down his anger. She stood there and dared not say a word, just like an angry little daughter-in-law.

"What's wrong with your face? Go look in the mirror."

(End of this chapter)

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