Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1462 Bullying My Wife

Chapter 1462 Bullying My Wife

Xiaoqiang's grandfather had almost scolded, only to find that his daughter-in-law's mouth was crooked and her eyes were squinting, with saliva dripping down the corners of her mouth.

Now the old man panicked, don't scold him because of him, the daughter-in-law can't think of a stroke?How to explain to his son, spread the word, the father-in-law scolded his daughter-in-law with crooked eyes, how can he see people.

When Xiaoqiang's mother saw her father-in-law's complexion changed several times, she panicked and ran into the toilet in a hurry to look in the mirror.
"Ah, why is this happening? Woohoo, how can I meet people!"

There was a sharp cry from the toilet. Xiaoqiang's grandfather panicked and asked his aunt to call his son. In this case, he had to be sent to the hospital as soon as possible. Acupuncture seemed to be helpful.

Zhou family
Zhou Baichuan walked into the room with a cold face, hung his hat on the clothes hanger, frowned and glared at his son.

"Zixu, you've learned how to quarrel with women?"

He was so angry that he was blocked and scolded, he was too suffocated.

"Dad, I can't help it. I can't bear it when people scold me! I'm not a coward. Besides, if I really don't go out, she might say something nasty!"

"You're always right."

Zhou Baichuan glared at his son, his face turned red with anger, he felt his chest was oppressed, he unbuttoned his discipline button, took off his uniform, and unbuttoned his white shirt collar, but he didn't feel much better.

"Bullying me, I can bear it, bullying my wife, no one can handle it."

Zhou Zixu stared, refusing to admit his mistake, he was not used to being slapped on the left cheek, so he handed over the right cheek.

What he will do is to blow people away with his fist.

Let the other party automatically avoid him when they see him in the future, and dare not appear in front of him.

The violent man looks rebellious, with arrogant and perverted eyes.

"Yes, I support my grandson. If you block the door and bully him, you must fight back. This is like standing on the field, you reason with the enemy, and he gives you a bayonet, Zishan."

Grandpa Zhou stood behind his grandson to support him, which made Zhou Baichuan lose his temper.

"Okay, okay, I can't say no to you, Dad, Zixu was spoiled by you."

He shook his head helplessly, Lu Sihui walked out of the bathroom, saw her father-in-law, and called out faintly: "Dad, you are back."

I heard him admonishing Zixu in the toilet. She was as protective as Zixu, and she was not happy with anyone who talked about her own man.


Zhou Baichuan let out a sigh of relief and spoke to his daughter-in-law. His attitude was still good.

"Deputy District Chief Zhou, Sihui roasted rabbit meat and I stewed pheasant. Have you eaten yet?"

Seeing that the atmosphere in the living room was a little off, Aunt Su rushed over to interrupt.

"No, I've been away from home for half a month, and I want to come back for a meal."

Zhou Baichuan's tone became much more relaxed, and then Little Swift dared to go to Grandpa's side, and opened her chubby hands to hug him.

Seeing his granddaughter, the rainy day suddenly turned sunny, Zhou Baichuan smiled on his cold face, and bent down to hug his granddaughter.

Kissed her chubby little face, and looked at her granddaughter's bright black eyes with surprise.

"Yuyan, do you miss grandpa?"

"Think about it, grandpa won't go home, mom will cook something delicious today, grandpa will drink, and Swift will pour the wine."

Little Swift would give Grandpa a beard the most, with a baby-like voice, sweet and soft, which made Zhou Baichuan's heart burst with joy.

"Okay, grandpa drinks, and Swift pours wine for grandpa."

The two of them went to the dining room. Lu Sihui went over and gave Zixu a hug, winked at him, secretly raised her thumbs up, and gave Zixu a thumbs up.

"Zixu, let's go!"

The father-in-law came back, and there was a sense of oppression at home. Sihui wanted to go with Zixu instead of staying at home.

Mr. Zhou heard it and asked them with a frown. "Where are you going?"

(End of this chapter)

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