Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1466 Man and God share anger

Chapter 1466 Man and God share anger
Zhou Zixu also noticed it at the same time. He strode over and squatted in front of the car to take a closer look.

Tires are intentionally punctured, not normal.

"Grandma, this is the second time someone has punctured a tire in Kaoshantun. It's true that there are troublemakers out of poor mountains and rivers."

Zhou Zixu kicked the tire angrily, if he has the ability to attack people, what kind of ability is it to play tricks behind the scenes?
It's basically a villain's behavior, harming others and benefiting oneself.

"Is she still stuck?"

Zhao Jinchen cursed angrily, turned around and strode towards Zhou Changjiang's house.

Anger appeared on his tense face, his eyes shone sharply, and he must be punished severely.

"Jin Chen, do you know who it is?"

Zhou Zixu caught up with him and grabbed Zhao Jinchen's arm. Thinking of his expression when he entered the room and what he said just now, he knew who did it.

"Before I came back from buying wine, I saw Li Lanni stabbing your tire with a knife, and I chased you away. I thought she was going to scare you, so I didn't dare to make trouble again. I didn't expect her to be so bold."

Zhao Jinchen's eyes spit fire, and Zixu and his wife looked at him from afar, but...
Li Lanni was simply giving him eye drops, so naturally this matter couldn't just be left alone.

Destruction of public property can be detained and severely sentenced.

Even if Zixu didn't come to look for him, as a policeman, he had to take care of this situation.

"Li Lanni?"

When Lu Sihui heard this name, she gritted her teeth angrily.

It's been a long time since I saw this cheap little sister. It's been so long that she has forgotten that there is such a number one person.

Unexpectedly, after more than two years, she was still so angry and wicked.


Zhao Jinchen kept talking without stopping, and Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui also followed to find Zhou's house.

Now Li Lanni is Zhou Changjiang's daughter-in-law, fish look for fish and shrimp, and Li Lanni is only worthy of marrying a reckless man like Zhou Changjiang.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of Zhou's house, he heard a woman's sobbing and crying coming from the room, as if she had been wronged a lot, but she didn't dare to cry loudly.

"Raising an old hen can still lay eggs! What's the use of raising you? I've been married for more than two years and my stomach hasn't moved at all. If I can't have any more children, get out of here. Don't cut off the fireworks in my old Zhou's house."

In the room, Aunt Zhou yelled at her daughter-in-law who was squatting on the ground, hugging her head and whimpering. There were also broken plates and messy dishes on the ground.

Zhou Changjiang sat at the dinner table, looked at Li Lanni who was squatting on the ground crying, and his mother who was yelling and angry, his lips moved, and he didn't dare to speak for his daughter-in-law.

He insisted on marrying Li Lanni, which had annoyed his family. Since he was a sentenced man, good people in the village would not give him a girl. Finally, he let Li Lanni in.

I didn't like her at first, and it would be better if I could give birth to a son, but Li Lanni just couldn't get pregnant, which was also related to her last miscarriage.

In the winter, after the miscarriage, she didn’t raise her well, and she didn’t bleed clean. Now she always has a bad smell on her body, and she often comes once a month and never leaves. Zhou Changjiang began to be infatuated with her. After a long time, she also felt resentful , who made her lose her popularity on the first night.

Li Lanni looked at her husband weeping, hoping that he could help her with a word. Her mother-in-law was simply making use of the excuse to turn a trivial matter into a big one. Slipping her hands and knocking over the dishes is not a serious crime. She has been scolded for half an hour.

Zhou Changjiang lowered his head to drink, didn't look at her at all, and didn't mean to speak for her, Li Lanni felt desperate.

"Uncle Zhou, are you at home?"

Although Zhao Jinchen was full of anger, Zhou Bashi had a good relationship with his father, so he still maintained his superficial politeness.

(End of this chapter)

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