Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1467 I'm Dead

Chapter 1467 I'm Dead
The crying sound from the room made Lu Sihui sneer again and again. The former Li Sihui, her original body, had experienced this kind of situation a lot.

The cooked meals are not allowed to be served, and only a little pot water can be eaten. How did Li Lanni and her daughter treat the original owner back then?

It seems that there is such a thing as retribution, and Li Lanni is retribution now. Seeing her now, you can see the miserable life that the original owner lived before.

"Who is it?"

Zhou Bashi yelled out the door, and glared at Li Lanni fiercely: "I'm not dead yet, don't cry, you will cry for a good day."

He couldn't see his daughter-in-law even though he half-rolled his eyes. Li Lanni stood up sobbing in fright, turned and walked to her room.

"Go back to the house, if you dare to cry again, get out, the old Zhou family doesn't raise waste."

Zhou Changjiang's mother gritted her teeth and kicked Li Lanni's hind leg. She became angry when she saw the dishes on the plate, and let her mess up after a good meal.

Li Lanni was not prepared for her mother-in-law to step behind her back, bent her knees, and knelt on the ground.

Kneeling on the fragments of the plate, there are also broken porcelain pieces where the hands were pressed, two painful pains, Li Lanni's whole body was shaking.

"Woooo. Mom, take me away! What kind of life am I living?"

Li Lanni burst into tears in grievance, she thought about it, she was wronged, but she didn't get it in the end, she might as well let the whole village know that the Zhou family abused her.

Father-in-law Zhou Bashi is a shameless person, maybe he won't dare to treat her like that again in the future.

Zhou Changjiang still had a little affection for her. Seeing that his daughter-in-law was bleeding profusely, he hurried over to help her up.

Li Lanni couldn't stand up at all, her knees were also bleeding, and the broken porcelain pieces were still piercing her flesh, and it hurt her heart when she moved.

"It hurts, it hurts, my leg is broken."

Zhou Changjiang gritted his teeth angrily, isn't this giving himself eye drops?
There are guests at home, and she is crying and fussing here, her hands are covered with blood, and if people see it, what will they think of the Zhou family.

Even if Li Lanni was driven away, whose girl would dare to marry in again.

"Changjiang, cover her mouth and stuff her back into the house."

She commanded her son, hating him for trying to coax the loser at this moment.

Li Lanni glared at her resentfully, she did all the housework by herself, and her mother-in-law just ordered her with her mouth, and she would yell at her if she couldn't do a good job, and now she was beaten, how will she live in the future?
No matter what happens today, I have to let outsiders know how the Zhou family treats me.

Zhou Changjiang is a prisoner who has been released after serving his sentence. Everyone in the village hates him. Without him, it is difficult for him to find a wife.

It's best to separate the family and rely on your own means to coax Zhou Changjiang alone, then it will be easy.

Mother-in-law?When she gets old and can't move, let's see how she takes care of her.

Zhou Changjiang hesitated for a while, and finally decided to listen to his mother, and covered Li Lanni's mouth with his big hand to prevent her from making a sound.

"Zhou Changjiang, are you treating me like this?"

Li Lanni was so angry that she was so abused that she was bruised all over her body. Instead of speaking for her, he even bullied her with his mother?

Tears flowed down, and he opened his mouth to bite his finger forcefully. Zhou Changjiang didn't expect her to bite, and he cried out in pain repeatedly from being bitten.

"Let go, you're not human, let go."

The man's temper came up, and his strikes were not serious. He slapped her on the head and pulled her hair so hard that the roots seemed to be ripped off.

Li Lanni was beaten so dizzy that her scalp seemed to be pulled off, so she had to let go.

"You, you and I are dead."

Li Lanni slammed into the door frame, but unexpectedly was grabbed by a pair of big hands.

"Is it you?"

(End of this chapter)

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