Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1477 The first wave has not settled, and the other

Chapter 1477

This wave of ups and downs has come up again, and he doesn't want another incident of cutting tires to show that he, the village chief, is not good at governance.

Therefore, the voice was stern, and the person rushed over with strides.

The figure turned and ran, and he hurriedly chased after her, watching her get into the woods.

It was pitch black, and he didn't dare to go in, for fear of getting sap.

Because he was worried that something would happen again, he called the young men in the village to stand in front of the jeep and watch, not letting anyone get close.

He entered Zhao's house by himself and told the story.

"Excuse me, have you seen men and women clearly?"

Lu Sihui frowned and asked him directly.

They shouldn't be here tonight, ghosts and ghosts can't stay still and want to jump out and make trouble.

"It looks like a woman."

The village chief thought about it. At that time, he was more than 100 meters away, and the moonlight was not so bright, so he couldn't see what he looked like?
But the figure can still tell the difference between men and women.

"Li Lanni, Sun Qiuju, should be one of them."

Lu Sihui's eyes were deep and sharp, and she realized that these people were not afraid of death. Zhao Cuihua had just been arrested and dared to make trouble.

"I'll send someone to take a look."

The village chief pondered for a moment, and decided to send someone to visit the two houses to find out who they were?What's on your mind?


Lu Sihui pursed her lips tightly, if she was just grabbing here, even if she knew who it was, she couldn't grab it, after all, she didn't break the law.

But she still has other ways to deal with them. Since her evil intentions are not dead, she has to use a big move.

The village head personally took people to the two houses, and Zhao Yaozu analyzed to Lu Sihui that 80.00% of them were Sun Qiuju, who probably wanted to intercede for her mother.

Lu Sihui didn't make a sound, but she was even more suspicious of Li Lanni.

When she was at Zhou's house, she looked at herself with the desire to kill her.

On the first day, I made tea for Lu Sihui and brought it into the mother-in-law's house. Although the walls were painted when she got married, the furniture was too old and hadn't been repainted, so it felt shabby.

She took a teacup and poured Sihui a cup of hot tea, handed it over, and whispered to her.

"Sihui, let's come back here from now on! I discussed it with Jin Chen. I have a few hundred dollars on hand and I want to buy a house in the city. It will be close to his unit. It will be more convenient for my children to go to school in the future."

Zhao Yaozu glanced at his daughter-in-law. He had only just heard about it, and there was a flash of displeasure in his eyes. He lowered his head and lit his cigarette.

Lu Sihui took the tea, lowered her head, took a sip, and put it on the kang table. She saw Zhao Yaozu's unhappiness, but No. [-] didn't notice it.

"Wen Qian, why do you want to leave?"

Zhou Guifang looked at her daughter-in-law sadly. Elderly people like their sons to stay by their side. After all, they are getting older, and finally looking forward to their daughter-in-law coming in, they hooked their son away.

"Mom, I want to take you with me. Xiaoying will go to school in two years. The school in the village is far away, which is inconvenient. The child has a registered permanent residence in the city, so we can't delay her."

Zhao Yaozu and Zhou Guifang were both moved after No. [-] told their reasons.

"Auntie, Uncle, look, how thoughtful Wen Qian is, it's not bad to go to the city, if you want to farm, you have a garden, your son and daughter-in-law are all paid, and your life is not bad."

Lu Sihui smiled and worked with Zhao Yaozu. Backing Shantun is really not a place to live for a long time. People are poor and have a lot of thoughts, so they can't see how other people's lives are doing well.

Just chatting!The village chief came back. After entering the door, everyone in the room looked at him, and Zhao Yaozu asked a question.

"How? Are you sure who it is?"

(End of this chapter)

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