Chapter 1478

"When I went to Sun's house, Sun Qiuju and her father were crying at home! I didn't see Li Lanni when I went to Zhou's house. I heard Zhou Changjiang's mother said that her daughter-in-law had left and that she was going to divorce!"

The village chief finished the matter in one breath, his throat was dry, and he was tormented this night.

"Drink some tea."

Zhou Guifang hurriedly handed him a cup of tea.

"Then it must be Li Lanni?"

Lu Sihui pursed her lips, her step-sister was really wicked, she had to be worthy of her!

"It should be her. I sent someone to look for it in the woods. Before Jin Chen came back, I took someone to guard the car, so I couldn't let her cause harm."

The village head drank a cup of tea and stood up. Tonight, he will fight to stay awake.

"Thank you, no need, I'll go and see myself."

Lu Sihui's face was calm and her eyes were calm, making it impossible to guess what she was thinking.

"That's okay! If you need me to do something, just talk, and I will help."

One thing more is worse than one thing less, the village head agreed very happily.

Lu Sihui nodded, didn't say any more, and walked towards the door.

The village chief didn't go out in a hurry because he still had something to ask Zhao Yaozu for advice.

Number one followed Lu Sihui closely. She came to see her, so of course she wanted to be with her if she had something to do.

"Sihui, lie down in my room for a while, and I'll go look after the car."

Sihui is pregnant and Ye Wenqian wants to take care of her.

"No, this is a matter between me and Li Lanni. Leave it alone and go to rest."

Lu Sihui flatly rejected her kindness, but she really wanted to know what Li Lanni wanted to do?
divorce?She's had a rough enough life.

Ye Wenqian understood her character, said what she said, and didn't like other people's ink marks, so she didn't say anything, turned around and went into the house, she taught Xiaoying to study every night, and the child is still waiting now!
Lu Sihui opened the door to get in the car, and sat in the back seat. She couldn't see the inside at all from the outside, but it was easy for her to observe the outside of the car.

After getting into the car, she was alone, so she didn't have to worry about waiting for a rabbit, and went directly into the space capsule.

"I want to know where Li Lanni is?"

Lu Sihui gave an order to the robot.Soon, Li Lanni's figure appeared on the screen.

She was out there in the woods, wandering to and fro like a lonely ghost.

Lu Sihui raised her eyebrows, deep thought flashed in her eyes, to scare her?Or let the robot give her some medicine and suffer a little?

Thinking of seeing the picture of Li Lanni in Zhou's house, just like that, was already the greatest torture for her.

Her husband's family was not taken seriously, and she was beaten and scolded by her mother-in-law, just like the previous owner, living a life that would be worse than death.

After all, Zhou Changjiang couldn't bear to part with Li Lanni. When she left, what he was thinking about was his obsession with her back then.

He is almost a rat crossing the street in the village now, and now there are more incidents of abusing his wife, who can give him a girl?
So after the village chief left, the more he thought about it, the worse he felt. Regardless of his parents' objections, he ran out of the house and looked for Li Lanni everywhere.

When passing Zhao's house, he saw Zhou Zixu's car, his eyes widened, and soon he became discouraged.

He didn't want to be arrested again. The time he set the fire was a stain. People always threw dung at the door of his house. He didn't dare to take revenge even if he knew who did it.

Lu Sihui sat in the car and watched him. As long as this person started to cause damage, she would arrest him, otherwise, she would ignore him.

Zhou Changjiang walked over with his head down, walked around the village, but did not see Li Lanni, he panicked, did she leave?Never come back again?

"Li Lanni, come back! I was wrong."

He clasped his hands to his mouth and shouted loudly.

Lu Sihui looked at the big screen, Li Lanni was wrapping her trouser belt around a tree!

(End of this chapter)

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