Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1479 The Bad-hearted Woman

Chapter 1479 The Bad-hearted Woman
Lu Sihui frowned, as a person from the last days, she was cold-hearted and cold-blooded, but since marrying Zhou Zixu, she has lived a happy life, her blood seems to be warming up gradually, and her heart is not as cruel as before.

It's easy to save her, but who is going to hurt such a bad-hearted woman after being rescued?
Li Lanni, who was tying her trouser belt to the tree, stopped when she heard Zhou Changjiang's shout.

She wanted to hang herself because the village chief sent someone to arrest her. She was afraid. Her previous courage would be gone now. She didn't want to go to jail and wanted to live a good life outside.

The Zhou family couldn't go back, and the village head sent someone to arrest her. For a while, she felt that there was no way out, so she wanted to hang herself.

Zhou Changjiang's cry was like a life-saving straw, she was reluctant to die, she still wanted to live.

Seeing that her movements stopped, Lu Sihui breathed a sigh of relief, the crime was not fatal, but this person also needs to be taught a lesson, what should I do?

Looking at the robot, he asked, "Is there any medicine that makes people's heart ache when they want to do bad things?"

"It can be manufactured."

The robotic answer made Lu Sihui shrug her shoulders amusedly. How could she have forgotten that this space capsule was prepared for those dignitaries in the last days, so it goes without saying how advanced it is.

"Go and use it for Li Lanni."

She gave the order and kept her eyes on the screen. This was a chance for her cheap little sister. If she did something bad again, she would die.

Zhou Zixu came with his unit's car, and Zhao Jinchen came with the police. They needed to take pictures to keep evidence, collect fingerprints, footprints, and tools for committing crimes.

Lu Sihui pushed the door and got out of the car, startling Zhou Zixu: "Sihui, why did you get in the car?"

When he left, he clearly told her not to come out, why was she disobedient?There was some reproach in her eyes, she was too much for him to worry about.

"I'm looking at the car! The village chief found someone sneaking close to the car, so I'm worried."

Lu Sihui said something lightly, and watched the police turn on the headlights and click and snap to take pictures.

A friend from the work unit unloaded two new tires from the jeep, waited for the police station to finish taking pictures, and then came to change the tires.

Fortunately, everyone in the village went back to sleep at this moment, and no one came out to watch the excitement. The people in the police station were working quietly and very quickly.

"Zixu, why don't you and Sihui stay at my house tonight!"

Zhao Jinchen patted Zixu on the arm, it was already midnight, it was not safe to drive back, he was worried.

"Thank you, but you know my old man, why don't you go back and pay it back?"

Zhou Zixu laughed. Dad came home. He and Sihui didn’t go home at night. The most important thing is that they won’t go back without explaining. Grandpa must be worried. If he doesn’t sleep, he will wait for them. If he doesn’t go home, prepare for training tomorrow!

After the matter was finally settled, Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui drove home, Sihui was silent on the way, Zhou Zixu looked at her frequently.

Feeling that she was not in a high mood, she couldn't help asking.

"Are you still angry?"

The big hand reached out and held Lu Sihui's hand. He was coaxing her.

"No, I just feel a little tired."

Lu Sihui pinched her eyebrows wearily.

When the couple got home, grandpa was still waiting for them sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Seeing the two of them entered the room, the old man stood up yawning: "Come back so late? Grandpa's waist hurts from sitting."

"Grandpa, let's go back to the bungalow in the future!"

Zhou Zixu took off his hat and hung it on his clothes, and looked at his grandfather amusedly, he and Sihui are both members of the Jagged team, why should he be so worried?
(End of this chapter)

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