Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1480 Evil has evil retribution

Chapter 1480 Evil has evil retribution
"Go back by yourself, if we don't go Sihui, who will take care of you over there?"

Mr. Zhou glared at him, watching his daughter-in-law win over comrades.

"Grandpa, we will come back late in the future, so don't wait."

Lu Sihui smiled. It is a happy thing to be cared about by others, but Zixu felt it was a burden. When she went home and saw the lights at home were on, she felt very happy in her heart.

Three days later, No. [-] returned to the team and canceled the marriage, and Lu Sihui also reported to the unit as normal.

When she was away, the new team members under him were guided by others, and they were fairly obedient, and all the training subjects were no worse than the old comrades.

"Vice Captain, you are back."

Huang Yaomei was just released from the small black room, and when she saw Lu Sihui, she ran over smiling, forgetting to salute, she was very affectionate.

"Return to the team."

Lu Sihui glanced at her and gave an order in a cold voice.

Huang Yaomei hurriedly saluted: "Yes."

Turning around and walking back to her position with the steps of a Jagged player, she was so excited that she forgot that she was on the training ground.

After the training was over, Lu Sihui took the initiative to find her.

"Yaomei, I heard that you were locked up in a dark room?"

She looked at her with a half-smile, and it was a good idea for Zixu to tell her the purpose in his heart.

When the wind blew, Huang Yaomei's face turned red instantly, she lowered her head not daring to look at Lu Sihui's narrow eyes, she put her hands behind her back, looking very embarrassed.

"With whom?"

Seeing her like this, Lu Sihui smiled even wider and continued to tease her.

"Sihui, I hate it."

Huang Yaomei said something, turned around and ran away.

Lu Sihui shook her head with a smile. What she called Sihui just now reminded her of Huang Yaomei who liked to cling to her when she was in the propaganda team.

In order to be able to come to Falcon, Yaomei must have put in a lot of sweat and perseverance.

"Sihui, what are you laughing at?"

After returning to the team training on the [-]st, she was in a good mood. She found that her arms were stronger, and she could easily meet the standards for all training items, which made her very excited.

"Wen Qian, are you back in the team?"

Lu Sihui didn't answer, after all, this was Yaomei's privacy, she couldn't make a loudspeaker to publicize it everywhere.

"Well, by the way, I have something to tell you. Zhao Cuihua was formally arrested, and it is estimated that she will be sentenced to at least one year in prison. I heard that in the detention center, she cried, made noises, hanged herself, and acted like a monster."

No. [-] told Lu Sihui what Jin Chen came back to say.

"She's just scaring people."

Lu Sihui knew that woman too well, she dared to make trouble, but she didn't dare to do it.

"I know, it's useless for her to cry, the evidence is complete."

The two of them walked towards the cafeteria while talking. They just returned to the team on the [-]st today, so they didn't line up with the station friends to enter the cafeteria.

"Evil comes with evil."

Lu Sihui said coldly that she didn't want to mention more about the Sun family.

Soon at the end of the year, Lu Sihui's belly was as big as a ball about to swell, and Li Yanhong was no better than her, her belly was also surprisingly big, and her legs were swollen every day.

Lu Sihui was better, she was able to enter the space capsule for recuperation, Li Yanhong had a hard time, she was struggling to breathe, bending over to tie her shoelaces was simply a luxury.

This made it impossible to go to work at all, so the two of them could only ask for leave and stay at home.

Zhou Zisong was transferred to Junguan School to study for a year, and he couldn't be with Li Yanhong even after giving birth.

Two months before the due date, Zhou Zixu gave up the opportunity to study with his eldest brother. In his words, there is no rush to get promoted, he is still young, and it is a big event for his wife to have a baby, so she must accompany him.

Tomorrow is New Year's Day. Aunt Su started preparing delicious food yesterday. There are two pregnant women in the family, so nutrition must be improved.

Zhou Zixu came back later today than every day. Sihui stood outside the window, looking out the window with her hands on her waist, hoping that he would come back soon. Seeing him, she was in a good mood.

"Quick, bring a basin and see what I brought back?"

(End of this chapter)

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