Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1481 Zixu, stop being pedantic

Chapter 1481 Zixu, stop being pedantic

Zhou Zixu, carrying a silk bag, stood at the door and called Aunt Su loudly. When he saw Sihui, he smiled at her brightly.

He held up the silk bag in his hand and showed it to Lu Sihui, "Jin Chen sent too many fish today, this kid gave too much, don't be impatient."

The smell of fish was strong, and Lu Sihui held her nose and dared not approach it. The closer it was to giving birth, the more she seemed to react.

The smell of cigarettes was unbearable, so that Zhou Zixu dared not go back to sleep as long as he smoked.

Lately, I have quit smoking, and my perseverance is not so great.

"Sorry, I forgot you can't smell it."

Seeing his wife's reaction, Zhou Zixu hurriedly handed the fish to Aunt Su and asked her to take it to the kitchen to clean it up.

Zhou Zixu ran to wash his hands, Lu Sihui followed behind him with a big belly, she was a little clingy to him recently.

Zhou Zixu washed his hands, put them in front of his nose and smelled them. After making sure that there was no fishy smell, he went to hold his daughter-in-law's hand, and asked her with a smile, "How is your day? Is your son naughty?"

"Kick me."

Lu Sihui looked at him with crooked eyebrows, her face was full of happiness.

"Really? This scoundrel, when he comes out, I'll spank his ass to avenge you."

Zhou Zixu's heart ached, and he said something harsh, this is terrible, seeing Lu Sihui's stomach move a few times, a small fist bulged.

"Hey, brat, are you going to challenge daddy?"

Zhou Zixu saw it and cursed with a smile.

Lu Sihui frowned slightly, she had a lot of strength!

"It's almost New Year's Day. I'll leave the unit's celebration and meals to Instructor Li and Deputy Team Wu. I'll stay at home with you."

Zhou Zixu took his wife's hand and walked out of the bathroom, talking while walking, Lu Sihui listened with her lips pursed.

"Oh, my stomach hurts."

Li Yanhong held onto the stairs, her face pale and she begged for help.


Dong Sheng supported her nervously, seeing Li Yanhong's face covered in cold sweat, he was about to cry in fright.

"Sister-in-law, don't move."

Zhou Zixu saw it and shouted in a hurry, then turned around and told Lu Sihui: "Sihui, don't move, I will help my sister-in-law downstairs."

Mr. Zhou was sitting on the sofa, just took out the chessboard, and wanted his grandson to play chess with him, when he saw that Li Yanhong's legs were shaking, he hurriedly called Xiaosu.

"Xiao Su, hurry up, Zisong's wife seems to be giving birth."

Aunt Su ran out of the kitchen wiping her hands. Seeing Li Yanhong's appearance, she turned around and ran into her room.

"Sister-in-law, don't be nervous, take a deep breath."

Lu Sihui moved clumsily, and it was too late to help her, so she could only comfort her with words.

"I'm not nervous, not afraid."

Li Yanhong grabbed the handrail of the stairs with all her strength, and at this moment she really wanted Zisong to be by her side, she said she wasn't afraid, but she was really scared in her heart, but her head started to sweat profusely.

Hearing that having a baby is a hell, she was afraid that she would not be able to make it through, and would die like Dongsheng's mother.

The mother's family is not around, and the husband is not around. The heart of a pregnant woman is fragile. For a while, she felt so pitiful, and tears began to flow down.

"Mom, don't cry, Dongsheng will protect you."

Zhou Dongsheng held his mother's hand, and when he saw her crying, he cried to comfort her.

"Dongsheng, get out of the way."

Zhou Zixu ran upstairs in three steps at a time, pushed Dong Sheng away, and supported Li Yanhong.

"Sister-in-law, don't be afraid, I'll support you, can you go?"

The sister-in-law's stomach is too big, like holding a huge pot, she can't carry it even if she wants to, and it's not suitable for the princess to hold him as a brother-in-law!

"No, I can't go."

Li Yanhong cried and shook her head, it wasn't that she didn't want to leave, it was that her feet were so soft that she might fall if she moved.

"Zixu, stop being pedantic."

(End of this chapter)

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