Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1486 Too different, isn't it?

Chapter 1486 Too different, isn't it?
Zhou Zixu opened the door and rushed in, picked up his daughter-in-law when he came over, and ran straight to the door.

Who's in the house?He didn't see it, and he didn't even explain it to his grandfather.

"Zixu, you haven't taken your things yet!"

Mr. Zhou yelled at his back, but it was still a step too late. Today, the two grandsons lost their usual calmness, and they were stunned, which made people anxious.

"found it."

Lu Jianguo ran out of Aunt Su's room carrying the child's quilt. His sister was no longer in the living room, and he looked nervously at Mr. Zhou.

"Grandpa, where is my sister!"

"Mom let Dad take it away."

Little Swift was fooled by her father leaving her mother like a whirlwind just now, her uncle only realized when she asked, pointing to the door and complaining to her uncle.

"My brother-in-law is back?"

Lu Jianguo's hanging heart immediately relaxed, he would be fine with his brother-in-law around, and he would be able to support him when the sky fell.

"I'll take you to the hospital."

Both Wang Guoqiang and his wife came, so naturally they couldn't leave him behind, so they offered to take Jianguo to the hospital and take a look with him.

"thank you all."

Mr. Zhou shook Wang Guoqiang's hand to express his thanks, these two are nice people.

Zhou Zixu didn't know what was going on at home. He carefully put his wife in the passenger seat, glanced at her, and saw that she looked calm, so he felt more at ease.

"Soon, don't worry."

Zhou Zixu kissed her on the forehead and said softly to her.

Lu Sihui smiled at him, reached out to hold his hand: "It's okay."

In fact, she felt that the child had gone down, not surrounded by family members, and she wanted to go back to the room to let the robot take a look, how long would it be before the birth.

If the child is in the basin, at worst, she will give birth at home.

There are robots, space capsules, and children are not afraid of dystocia.

Therefore, she has been very calm, but grandpa is too anxious, and she is worried that he will faint because of his age.

"Sit down, let's go to the hospital."

Zhou Zixu likes his daughter-in-law's bravery and calmness the most. She is not afraid of big things.

On the way to the hospital, Zhou Zixu wanted to drive quickly, but when he glanced at his wife, he was afraid of bumping into her, so he chatted with her to distract his attention, so he just wanted to get to the hospital quickly.

Zhou Zixu maintained a speed of eighty miles, neither too bumpy nor too slow.

"Sihui, at lunch today, that brat Zhang Changshui gave all the meat in his bowl to Huang Yaomei, and the stationmates coaxed him when they left the cafeteria. This kid is not shy, and no one cares if he hurts his wife. Huang Yaomei turned red in the face."

Telling Sihui about interesting things in the unit, Lu Sihui pursed her lips and smiled, but did not speak.

My stomach hurts a little, and my forehead starts to sweat.

Why did she and her sister-in-law rush to the same day, she hoped to have a baby on the first day of the new year, with a big birthday.

No matter how bad it is, you can give birth tomorrow. New Year's Day, January [-]st, can be regarded as a commemorative day.

"Sihui, why don't you speak?"

Zhou Zixu talked to himself for a long time, and when he looked sideways, he saw his daughter-in-law pursed her lips and smiled, and didn't answer him, her heart raised her throat again.

"I'm wondering how to eat the fish that Jin Chen sent?"

Lu Sihui looked at him with a smile, pretending to answer easily.

"You still want to eat at this time? Isn't this your character?"

Zhou Zixu was stunned, the daughter-in-law is so different, isn't she?
The sister-in-law cried and shouted all the way, and almost didn't lift the roof when she entered the delivery room.

The daughter-in-law was silent, but he was even more worried.

Lu Sihui was fine, but his head was sweating.

When Sihui gave birth to Swift before, he had never been so nervous. It must be the shadow caused by his sister-in-law, and he went back to his elder brother to make up for it.

(End of this chapter)

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