Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1487 It is indeed impossible to regenerate

Chapter 1487 It is indeed impossible to regenerate
Lu Sihui pursed her lips and watched him smile, her words were quite reasonable:
"It takes a lot of effort to give birth to a child, so I naturally want to think about eating."

She looked like she was joking, but Zhou Zixu's heart ached enough, she looked at Lu Sihui, and solemnly announced: "Daughter-in-law, we will be the last one, and there will be no more children."

"Okay, we're at the hospital, let's chat for a while, or go in and have a baby?"

Lu Sihui smiled even more, she just liked the way Zixu cared about her, teasing him, lest he get anxious.

It's okay for me to have a baby!Zixu was sweating profusely.

"Of course I went in, just sit still."

After Zhou Zixu stopped the car, he asked Lu Sihui to sit still, and he quickly got out of the car, went around to open the car door, and carefully helped his wife out of the car.

Lu Sihui looked at him amusedly, why did she feel like an old lady with bad legs and needs someone to support her.

It was only when she was walking on the ground that Lu Sihui felt what it was like to be struggling.

His belly slumped, his legs seemed to be filled with lead, and it took a lot of effort to take a step.

When I used to run with sandbags on the training ground, I didn't feel so hard, and I was still able to walk like flying.

I miss it so much, it really can't be reproduced.

Zhou Zixu saw his daughter-in-law holding her belly in her hands, even though she was struggling to walk, she gritted her teeth and persisted, making people feel distressed.

He quietly turned to Sihui, bent down and picked her up, carefully protecting her belly, so Zhou Zixu had some difficulty in hugging her, mainly because Sihui's belly was too big, blocking his sight, He had to go up the stairs carefully to ensure the safety of his wife.

"Doctor, help me take a look, is it about to give birth?"

After entering the hospital, he ran to the delivery room with Sihui in his arms, shouting loudly, which alarmed the eldest brother and Aunt Su in the corridor, and hurried over to help.

"Sihui is going to give birth too?"

Zhou Zisong's face was full of black lines, why did they all rush together?

"Seems to be."

Zhou Zixu answered while looking for a doctor. Lu Sihui was embarrassed to let him hold her, and kept clapping his hands to make him put herself down.

"Put me down, it's not that serious."

Seeing that Zhou Zixu refused to let go, she whispered in his ear.

"Okay then, sit on the chair and wait for me."

Zhou Zixu carefully put her on the bench, asked Aunt Su to take care of her, and ran to the duty room by himself.

"Aunt Su, is sister-in-law still alive?"

Lu Sihui heard shouts from the delivery room, it seemed that there was more than one pregnant woman, one after another, it hurt to hear it.

"Yeah, I've been shouting for more than an hour, and it scared me to death."

Aunt Su's hands were red from rubbing, Li Yanhong was the first child, her cervix was slow to dilate, and the birth was very hard.

Lu Sihui glanced at Zhou Zisong, is he too calm?

Looking at the door of the delivery room with deep eyes, with his hands behind his back, he is as cool as on the training ground.

Over there, Zhou Zixu ran to find the doctor on duty, but there was not even a nurse in the duty room.

I don't know what happened tonight?Pregnant women gathered to give birth, and all three doctors went to the delivery room.

"What about this?"

Zhou Zixu was worried. In this case, he could only call his father and ask him to contact the doctor at the unit hospital to bring Sihui to give birth. He couldn't just wait here, could he?
Just as he made a decision, the door of the delivery room opened, and the nurse came out in a hurry.

"Nurse, has my wife given birth?"

The three husbands, including Zhou Zisong, ran over to ask the nurse.

"Who is Li Yanhong's family member? She is bleeding heavily and has high blood pressure during pregnancy. She must be rescued immediately. Please sign the operation book."

(End of this chapter)

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