Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1493 The Heart Is Resisting

Chapter 1493 The Heart Is Resisting
The doctor spoke to the nurse. In this case, there was no delay.

Lu Sihui looked at her with a pale face, could she not wait for number one?

Her heart is resisting
Zhou Zixu was walking around anxiously outside the door, didn't Sihui say it was all right?How come you haven't come out for so long?
The eldest brother and sister-in-law both went to the ward. Aunt Su went to help first, saying that she would be here in a while. He was alone here, and there was no one who could comfort him.

He was restless, always feeling that something was about to happen, and when he left, others were dazzled.

"Comrade, don't turn around."

The mother-in-law who entered the room before couldn't take it anymore, so she came over and called her to stop her. Her son was squatting on the ground!
The husband of the pregnant woman over there also sat on the bench and waited obediently. Why is this iron-blooded man so anxious?


Zhou Zixu raised his hand to apologize, but he still couldn't help taking a step. Seeing the aunt looking at him, he had to stop.

But he couldn't help but panicked, he propped his hands against the wall, looked down at his feet, and tried hard to suppress the feeling of panic.

The mother who yelled and scolded her husband gave birth quite quickly, a boy weighing seven catties.

When she heard it on the delivery bed, she immediately started giggling, as if it wasn't her who was crying just now, and she was about to get off the delivery bed, and the doctor scolded her loudly.

Over there, Lu Sihui gritted her teeth and persisted, scolding the robot in her heart, didn't she say that he could keep herself safe?
Where are you now?My stomach hurts like hell.

As a last resort, she went to the delivery bed. At this moment, she didn't care about the time. She was worried about the safety of the child and just wanted to give birth quickly.

"come on."

The doctor encouraged her.

The main reason is that the doctor was excited. He had just picked up a twin, and here came another woman who looked like twins.

Witnessing the moment of miracles, I hope that I can deliver two twins in a row tonight, and then I will have the capital to brag.

"Huh, can you please stop talking."

Lu Sihui gave her orders helplessly, the pain was terribly painful, and she had to hear the nagging.

Outside the delivery room, the old lady jumped up excitedly after learning that her daughter-in-law had given birth to a son, and walked around the corridor excitedly with her son, eager to see her grandson.

Zhou Zixu looked at her speechlessly, he didn't let himself turn just now!At the moment they are having a good time.

"Nurse, why isn't my wife coming out?"

Zhou Zixu wanted to squeeze into the delivery room, but was pushed out by the nurse, who frowned and stared at him. He had no choice but to ask her in a low voice.

"Your daughter-in-law is about to give birth, just wait!"

The nurse dropped a sentence and entered the room, Zhou Zixulei was dumbfounded, why is she about to give birth?Sihui was quite normal when she went in.

Time seemed to stop, and another woman came out, giving birth to a son, which made the previous woman angrily leave her daughter-in-law and wait outside the delivery room.

He wanted to see, what did the woman give birth to in the end?
One hour passed, two hours passed, and the silence in the delivery room frightened Zhou Zixu.

"Nurse, let me in! I'm going to stay with her."

Zhou Zixu was about to collapse. It was almost twelve o'clock in the morning. His wife was silent and no one was released. He was going crazy.

"Don't worry, it's about to give birth."

The nurse dropped a sentence and locked him out of the door again.

"Comrade, those who are born slowly are daughters."

The husband of the pregnant woman was perseverant enough to wait with Zhou Zixu!At this moment, I said something gloating.

"What's wrong with my daughter? As long as it's my own child."

Zhou Zixu glared at him, the man was too frightened to say anything, but he still felt that this iron-blooded man was just pretending, he must be looking forward to the kid!

"gave birth?"

(End of this chapter)

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