Chapter 1494
Zhou Zixu looked at the delivery room without moving. The clear cry of the baby touched his heart. The man next to him was still thinking about it. Hearing the cry of the baby, why does he feel like a boy?

Rushing over and lying on the door, looking in through the crack of the door, wanting to know right away whether it is a boy or a girl?
"Go away."

A big hand pushed him away, and the man turned his head to meet Zhou Zixu's cold gaze, and then he felt that he was a bit too abnormal, and hid aside with a smirk.

Looking timidly at Zhou Zixu's big hand, don't misunderstand that you have an affair with his wife, and it's not worthwhile to be beaten.

Zhou Zixu didn't have time to pay attention to the man whose eyes were rolling around, all his thoughts were on the door, he pulled the door hard, after calculation, there should be only Sihui, a pregnant woman in the delivery room, and he can go in.

"Don't pull on the door."

His actions aroused the dissatisfaction of the nurses in the delivery room, who yelled inside.

"Comrade, you are too excited."

The annoying buzzing sound upset Zhou Zixu, he turned his face and glared at the man: "Aren't you free? Why don't you go back to see your wife and children, what are you trying to do?"

Zhou Zixu lost his temper, and his eyes were full of hostility. The man was so frightened that he took two steps back, but he was a little bit unwilling.

"I just want to know, what is your family's birth? There is no reason, you all have sons, and I am the only one who has daughters."

His voice is not loud, like a mosquito, but Zhou Zixu's ears have been trained, so he can hear clearly.

He was so angry that he walked up to the man, grabbed his shoulders with his big hands, covered his head in fright, and shouted: "Don't hit me, you must have a son, I won't read it, get out immediately."

Zhou Zixu looked at him amusedly, which eye saw that he was going to hit him?

Reaching out and tugging at his collar made the man tremble with fright, but he smiled harmlessly.

"Brother, my first child is a daughter. It blooms first and then bears fruit. What are you anxious about? Besides, the daughter is the little padded jacket of my parents' previous life. You have to love her well,"

"Brother, to tell you the truth, counting this daughter, I have already given birth to seven maids. The seven fairies are enough. I just want a son. People in the countryside are laughing at not having a son."

The man was crying right then, holding Zhou Zixu's hand and vomited bitterly.

How do you advise?Zhou Zixu was speechless, too capable to give birth, seven?
"Brother, let me tell you, it hurts when a daughter-in-law gets married. How can you let your daughter-in-law give birth to seven children? I have decided. Even if my daughter-in-law gives birth to a daughter this time, I will not let her have another child. I can not let it go."

Zhou Zixu patted him on the shoulder, he didn't mean to comfort him, he really planned it that way, no matter male or female, Sihui would never let Sihui go through such a painful thing again, he would go to have a vasectomy immediately, otherwise he would never touch his wife.

"Come on! I don't believe it, you don't want a son."

The man curled his lips, obviously not believing it, thinking that Zhou Zixu was just talking big.

"Think? Then you have to have that fortune-telling."

Zhou Zixu's face turned cold. This man is not good at anything, and he doesn't want to talk to him anymore.

Looking up at the lights in the delivery room, why don't you come out?

Just as she was thinking, there was another loud cry of a baby in the delivery room.

"Twins again? Bro, your family's ancestral grave has good Fengshui. Where is it? I'll move my old man's grave there. I'll be happy and give birth to a big fat boy."

The man was thinking about it, but Zhou Zixu couldn't get a response.

Looking up, I saw Zhou Zixu's face flushed with excitement, pushing the door of the delivery room hard, wishing to squeeze in.

"Sihui, I'm here with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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