Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1514 Both Are Kings Of The Mountain

Chapter 1514 Both Are Kings Of The Mountain
"Go away, what do you think? You don't know what a handsome man is?"

Mr. Zhou's beard is upturned, the commander-in-chief is the monarch of the old society, how can he give his great-grandson such a nickname?

Zhou Zixu felt dejected, he only wanted to make his son as handsome as himself, and rejected such rustic names as Da Shuang and Er Shuang.

Didn't expect grandpa to think of it strangely?
"Grandpa, is this okay? The eldest is called Junjun, and the second is called Little Tiger, okay?"

After Zhou Zixu finished speaking, he looked at his grandfather expectantly, hoping that he would not find fault again.

"Little tiger is fine, but Junjun is suitable for a big name. How about this, the eldest is called Little Leopard, and the second is called Little Tiger. They are both kings of the mountain, okay?"

Zhou Zixu rubbed his chin with his big hand, and blinked his bright peach eyes, always feeling that something was wrong.

"Grandpa, the king of the mountain is a tiger, and the cheetah is behind him. The eldest should be called the little tiger, and the second child should be called the little leopard."

Aunt Su came over with a tea tray, just in time to hear the second part of Zixu's words, she frowned immediately, she was very fond of the second child of the twins.

"Little Baozi can't do it, right? How can a boy be called Baozi? He's so cowardly."

The tea tray was put on the coffee table, and she raised her opinion to Zixu.

"Hey, Aunt Su, what are you listening to? My son is a little leopard, not a little bun."

Zhou Zixu was so teased by Aunt Su that he almost burst out laughing, clutching his stomach and shaking his head.

"Oh, the little leopard can do it. It's powerful and fast. It doesn't frighten it when it fights with a tiger."

Aunt Su smiled embarrassingly, her ears are quite capable of interrupting.

"That's it. It's settled. I have a nickname. I'll wait for your father to come back and discuss it. This man has gone to a meeting again. He will be home almost tonight. Point him to find a nanny. The cucumber dishes are cold."

In his heart, Mr. Zhou still hopes that his son will name the children, which is his right as a grandfather.

Complaining to Zhou Baichuan that there are too many meetings, he only saw a few children when they were born, and the next day he stepped on the train to go to city B for a meeting, and then said that he went to visit and study. .

"Grandpa drinks tea, it's normal for dad to be busy with business, unlike me, he's just an idler."

Zhou Zixu picked up the teapot with a smile, and he was happy to be able to give his son a nickname according to his own wishes.

Even thinking about his father, Mr. Zhou looked out of the window, did not speak for a long time, and did not take the teacup, Zhou Zixu couldn't help asking him: "Grandpa, what are you looking at?"

"Look, grandpa, does the sun come out from the west? It's not easy for you to learn to be considerate of your father."

Zhou Zixu's face was full of black lines. Is there a grandfather who hurt others like this?
"When did I not understand him?"

When he said this, Zixu felt a little guilty, not only because he was inconsiderate, but he often confronted his father before.

"I'm going to see my son."

Seeing his grandfather opened his mouth to reprimand him, Zhou Zixu found an excuse and ran away.

To hold the two fat boys in the baby room, and go upstairs to see the wife, the two brats have to know from an early age that the mother is the most important and must be filial.

Lu Sihui was very tired of being in the room, the air in the room was not circulating, and Aunt Su said that she couldn't see the wind.

Several times, she wanted to say that she was fine and no longer needed confinement, but she knew it would be useless to say it.

Yesterday, she sneaked out to see her son, and was caught by Aunt Su, who forced her to go upstairs. She reached the door of the baby room, but she didn't go in. She was so depressed.

"Sihui, look who I brought here?"

The door opened, and Zixu held a son in each arm, with a bright smile on his face.

"Baby son, let mother see."

Sihui's depressed mood just now improved immediately, and she reached out her hand to her son.

"Sihui, our son has a nickname."

(End of this chapter)

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