Chapter 1515
Zixu quickly closed the door, and came to Sihui's bed with the two treasures in his arms, deliberately trying to trick her.

"Just a nickname? Are you so happy?"

Lu Sihui looked at him amusedly, why did she seem to have picked up money, with crooked eyes and brows?
"Haha, Sihui, let me tell you, I chose the name, and Grandpa passed it."

Zixu carefully put the eldest child into Sihui's arms, while the second child was still in his arms, smiling and reporting to his wife.

"Tell me."

Sihui perfunctory him, with a pair of beautiful black eyes, smilingly staring at the son in her arms.

No matter how you look at it, it's strange, the little face is pink, and it's slippery when you touch it.

"The eldest in your arms is called Little Tiger, and the second is called Little Leopard. How about it?"

Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows proudly, feeling good about himself, and hoped that his daughter-in-law would like these two names as much as he did.

"Well, it's not bad. In fact, it's not bad to be called Falcon or Cheetah."

Lu Sihui smiled, said something casually, hugged the eldest son, and went to see the second son in Zixu's arms.

It is said that they are twins, but they can still be distinguished. The eldest has a little cinnabar mole on his chin, and the second has a small black mole hidden in the center of his eyebrows, which is very good.

"I've thought about it too, but if our son becomes a station guard in the future and is assigned Falcon, his name will also be Falcon, which is a bit difficult to call."

Zixu sat on the side of the bed and really struggled seriously. In terms of momentum, being called a falcon is naturally stronger than being called a little tiger.

"You're right, I didn't think about it."

Lu Sihui smiled, and saw her son start looking for food with his small .1 mouth, and looked at his watch, it was almost time for feeding.

Perfunctory with Zixu's words, he lifted up his clothes, wiped them carefully with a towel, and started feeding the child.

Seeing her son swallowing big mouthfuls and dancing with excited little hands, Lu Sihui's eyes were filled with the light of maternal love.

Zhou Zixu suddenly felt that his breathing was stagnant, his throat was dry, and he looked at his son jealously, that belonged to him, and now he was occupying him, and he felt very uncomfortable.

"What are you looking at? Get out."

Seeing him staring at her, Lu Sihui stared straight at her, her face flushed suddenly, and she leaned her body to block his gaze.

"Look at my stuff, it was robbed by the little bastard."

A smirk flashed across Zhou Zixu's eyes, he hugged his second child and turned to the other side of the bed, looking at him openly.


Lu Sihui rolled his eyes at him, turned around again, her face was hot, and Zixu's eyes were too hot, she was embarrassed to look at her.

"Hey, I have to lend my things to two brats for a year, Sihui, how will you compensate me?"

With a bitter face, Zixu looked at Lu Sihui aggrievedly, what he said almost made Lu Sihui spit it out.

"You need a face."

Glaring at him, what did you say?Fortunately, the two sons are young and can't understand anything, otherwise they would be ashamed to see the children.


Swift knocked on the door, calling out to her mother in a childish voice.

"Go open the door."

Seeing Zixu looking at her with a half-smile, Lu Sihui knew that he had fallen for him again, this man was just teasing her!With a blank look, he gave him an order.

"it is good."

Zixu's eyes were full, and his heart was full of joy. He found that his daughter-in-law had grown stronger than before after becoming a mother again. It was really rare to see.

He ran to open the door with a smile on his face, since he has a son, he can't neglect his daughter.

"Yuyan, my brother is breastfeeding! Don't shout loudly."

Zixu told his daughter as soon as he opened the door, otherwise the girl would be naughty and fear to scare her son.

"Mom, I want to eat too."

(End of this chapter)

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