Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1517 It Doesn't Matter To Hit You

Chapter 1517 It Doesn't Matter To Hit You

"My surname is Wu, my name is Wu Shuqin, sister, what should I call you?"

Wu Shuqin smiled flatteringly at Aunt Su, for fear that the old man would bully her.

"Just call me Sister Su."

Aunt Su has a very good attitude. Seeing that she was nervous, she smiled and talked to her to relieve her tension.

"Old man, here's someone to help, I won't come tomorrow."

Seeing them leaving, Zhou Guifang smiled and said goodbye to Mr. Zhou.

"Alright, this has been bothering you for half a month. I heard from Zixu that there is a granddaughter at home!"

Mr. Zhou looked at Zhou Guifang gratefully, thinking in his heart that she would definitely not take the money, so let's get some grains!
"Yes Yes."

Zhou Guifang smiled, she was not at home, the old man was troubled.

Zhou Zixu went downstairs whistling, with a basin in his hand, he was going to wash the diaper for the child, he just went to deal with the nose, and now the bleeding is no longer.

"Zixu, we have a new nanny. I will send your aunt back in a while. Thank you very much."

Mr. Zhou called to stop his grandson and gave him instructions.

"Someone here? Great."

Zhou Zixu laughed, and sent his aunt home every night, and slept in the nursery in the middle of the night, fearing that Aunt Su would be tired.

In this way, his sleep quality has plummeted. With a new nanny, he no longer needs to sleep in the baby room, but can go back to sleep with his wife in his arms.

"Auntie, thanks to you during this time, otherwise, I would be in a terrible state."

Zhou Zixu thanked Zhou Guifang.

"Compared to you helping me, what is this?"

Zhou Guifang smiled and waved her hands. She would feel better if she could help a little, otherwise she would not know how to pay back those who owed Zixu and Sihui.

"Zixu, go into the house with grandpa."

Grandpa Zhou asked Zixu to follow him into the study, Zhou Zixu had no choice but to put the basin on the ground, and went in with his grandfather.

Zhou Guifang came and picked up the basin and left, standing at the last general post, and finally helping Sihui with some work.

"Grandpa, what are you calling me for?"

Zhou Zixu entered the door smilingly and leaned over to the desk, his eyes scanned the bookshelves to see if there were any caught fish.

He has read almost all the books on the emperor's affairs in his grandfather's collection, and his grandson's ice method, 36 tricks, he can memorize them all.

"Jin Chen's mother has been helping our house for so long, we can't let others help for nothing, we definitely can't ask for money, take some of our dried noodles, white noodles, don't make a sound, take them quietly into the car, get out of the car and go directly to the house , it's too late to object."

Grandpa even paid attention to the technique of positioning and positioning in this matter, Zhou Zixu burst out laughing.

Seeing his grandfather staring at him, he immediately put away his smile and saluted solemnly: "Yes, follow the leadership's lesson."

"Fuck off."

Grandpa Zhou was amused by his grandson, so he picked up the inkstone on the table and flew over. Zhou Zixu raised his hand to catch it, and looked at his grandfather sadly.

"I'm your grandson, grandpa, aren't you afraid to smash me to death?"

"Oh, it doesn't matter if you hit you, this inkstone is a pity."

Mr. Zhou took the inkstone, touched it regretfully, and muttered to himself.

"I know, I'm sure I'm not your grandson."

Zhou Zixu stared at the inkstone dissatisfied, he was not as good as it was in his grandfather's heart!

"You just know?"

Grandpa Zhou looked at his grandson with a smirk, and he was happy to see him restrained.

Zhou Zixu left the study depressed, looking for pots everywhere, why disappeared?
"Aunt Su, did you take it to wash?"

Seeing Aunt Su coming out of the nursery with the new Aunt Wu, he shouted at her.

"No, what are you washing? You can leave it there, and I will wash it later."

Aunt Su raised her voice to answer, Zhou Zixu shrugged his shoulders, glanced in the living room with his bright eyes, and found that his aunt was not there.

"Aunt Su, hurry up and prepare something for me."

(End of this chapter)

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