Chapter 1518

Giving something away is like being a thief. Zhou Zixu was also drunk, which made Aunt Su flustered.

"Ten bundles of dried noodles, ten catties of white flour, is that enough?"

Aunt Su showed Zixu the white and dried noodles she had found.

"Give me the soybean oil too!"

Zhou Zixu felt that it was too little, so he pointed to the soybean oil pot in the corner and told Aunt Su.

"Zixu, that's all I have is soy oil. I've already bought all the grain, and your grandfather and father's supply is also used up. Take it away, and you can only eat meat oil."

Aunt Su was a little reluctant. Dongsheng didn't like meat oil and wanted to save some.

"Hold it first, I'll figure out a way later."

Zhou Zixu waved his hand. There was only ten catties of soybean oil in the oil pot, and he ate some.

Wu Shuqin stood aside and watched, wondering who Zhou Zixu wanted to give these to?She is a newcomer, so naturally she can't talk too much.

"Where do you want to take it?"

Aunt Su picked up the oil pot, thought for a while, poured out a bowl, why don't you have to leave some for Dongsheng, and when she handed it to Zhou Zixu, she couldn't help but ask.

"Bring it back to my aunt, who has been helping here for half a month."

Zhou Zixu said while tidying up his things, picked them up and left, when he left the kitchen door, he glanced at the living room vigilantly, fortunately, his aunt was not there.

He rushed out of the kitchen with big strides, and walked towards the door like a gust of wind.

Wu Shuqin smacked her lips. She didn't know that Zhou Guifang didn't ask for wages, so she thought she had given the money, and gave away so much grain, and said enviously.

"This owner is really generous."

"Zixu and Sihui are not picky, the old man is more generous."

When Aunt Su heard that it was for Zhou Guifang, she didn't feel bad at all. After hearing Wu Shuqin's words, she replied and went to work on her own.

The oil bowl has to be put away, and I will cook for Dongsheng and Swift alone.

She didn't see the bright color in Wu Shuqin's eyes, she looked everywhere as if her eyes were not enough.

Thinking about working hard and bearding more, in addition to salary in the future, maybe the master's family will be happy, and the food given to his son's family will be enough.

Zhou Zixu hurriedly put all his things into the trunk of the car, then heaved a sigh of relief, turned around and walked home, the next step was to send his aunt home.


Someone called him from behind, Zhou Zixu looked back and saw that it was Captain Wu, he was from his brother's brigade, and he usually called his name like his brother.

This person is also Xiaoqiang's father. To be honest, Zhou Zixu doesn't want to talk to him. Xiaoqiang's grandfather and mother are too ordinary.

Especially Xiaoqiang's mother, who was still making a scene in front of his house, so his attitude was a little lukewarm, and there was alienation in his words.

"Brother Ang, is there something wrong?"

"That's right, I heard that you gave birth to twins, congratulations!"

Embarrassment flashed across Captain Wu's eyes, and he became more and more annoyed that his wife was embarrassing him. Before Zixu saw that he still had a smile, how can he be so cold now?
"Thank you."

Zhou Zixu's face softened a little. He was congratulating himself, so naturally he couldn't keep his face dark.

"Is that so, I heard that Vice Minister Zhou's family gave birth to twins?"

Captain Wu's main words are here. Zhou Zisong is his immediate boss, so he naturally wants to please him.

Zhou Zixu could tell what was going on in his heart from his chattering eyes?
Immediately, he felt a little sick, and his face was a little gloomy. Director Wu didn't notice that Zixu's face changed, and he was still fiddling with his little abacus.

"I'll go and have a look at the full moon."

Captain Wu left as soon as he finished speaking, and kicked Zixu off the snow at his feet angrily.

"Who is it!"

Turning around and entering the house, it is useless to get angry with this kind of person, no wonder I have been on the ice for 15 years, and I am only a captain.

"Auntie, let's go, I'll take you home."

(End of this chapter)

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