Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1525 The Man With Luminous Body

Chapter 1525 The Man With Luminous Body
"Vice Minister Zhou, that's amazing. He's already a leader at a young age, and he might have to be promoted in the future! Go away! Don't come to me if you don't have anything to do in the future."

Aunt Wu pushed her daughter out of the door. She has been a nanny for so long, and she still has more. Just now, it was obvious that Zhou Zixu was a little unhappy. If he didn't want to lose his job, he had to drive away his daughter.

"So handsome!"

Her daughter is Lan Qiuyue, 20 years old this year, a sophomore in college, a girl of this age is Sichun's age, and she likes tall, handsome, capable men.

When Zhou Zixu went downstairs just now, she saw this man with his own luminous body.

He is really tall, with broad shoulders and long legs. He is wearing a white shirt and uniform pants. He looks really clean.

The man was wearing a white shirt, so handsome that people couldn't take their eyes off him.

It doesn't matter that he looks good in clothes, but he is handsome, especially his eyes, which are radiant, like a bright black gemstone, when he looks at people, he seems to be smiling.

The tall and straight nose makes the facial features appear three-dimensional, with distinct water chestnut angles, and a thin cherry red mouth, which makes people want to get close when they see it.

"Go away!"

Wu Shuqin saw that there was something wrong with the girl's eyes looking at Zhou Zixu, so she pushed her away.

Lan Qiuyue was a school girl in college, and many classmates chased after her. Now she is in a relationship. The family conditions are good, and her father is the factory manager, who is very rich.

It's just that he looks average, and what she likes is that he is willing to spend money for herself.

However, her boyfriend's little money and family status are obviously incomparable with the Zhou family.

At least, I didn't live in such a grand house.

Her partner's family lived in a building with three bedrooms. In the past, she thought it was good, but ordinary people could not afford to live in a building.

Now, she feels that it is not worth mentioning, the house in front of her is so nice, upstairs and downstairs, she can sleep wherever she wants.

If you bring your classmates to play at home, you will definitely envy her.

Eyeballs whirled around in their sockets, and she glanced at her mother complaining, if she wasn't a nanny, it would be great, she's too degraded.

"Xiao Wu, my daughter is here, let her eat at the table!"

Mr. Zhou is very generous and feels that no matter what, although Xiao Wu is his family's nanny, he is also regarded as a family member.

Since my daughter came to see her, but she was worried about her, let her take a look. This family is approachable and can make the children not worry.

"No need, old man, take your time, Qiuyue will leave now."

How could Aunt Wu have such a big face to let her daughter sit on the table?This self-knowledge is still there.

For people who used to work, the nanny had to eat at the side, let alone the family members, let alone let them serve the table.

"Mom, I haven't eaten yet!"

Lan Qiuyue tugged on her mother's skirt, such a good opportunity, why did she drive herself away?
Since he thought he was good-looking and was a college student, that tall and handsome man might be able to fall in love with her!

"Let's go!" Wu Shuqin pushed the girl out, saying that she came to see her, but in fact she came to ask for money, and she had to go out and give her money.

"You're welcome, it's windy and snowy, let the child eat a warm meal, and walk to save the cold."

Mr. Zhou finished eating by himself, stood up and walked this way, just in time to hear Lan Qiuyue say that she hadn't eaten, and he warmly asked her to serve again.

"How embarrassing."

Wu Shuqin said something in embarrassment, and Lan Qiuyue had already expressed her gratitude generously: "Thank you, Grandpa."

"Haha, you're welcome, very polite, I heard you 1. Mom said you are a college student?"

Mr. Zhou smiled, thinking that this girl has quality, he likes it very much.

"Yes, already a sophomore."

Lan Qiuyue answered while secretly looking at Zhou Zixu.

(End of this chapter)

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