Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1526 Let Her Retreat

Chapter 1526 Let Her Retreat
This move was seen by Mr. Zhou, and the smile on his face disappeared.

When Lan Qiuyue was about to walk towards the dining room, Mr. Zhou spoke to Wu Shuqin.

"Xiao Wu, take your daughter to the kitchen to eat!"

The smile on Lan Qiuyue's face froze, she stared blankly at Mr. Zhou, clenched her hands tightly, humiliation appeared in her eyes.

Aunt Wu also showed an embarrassing expression on her face. Originally, she didn't want her daughter to stay for dinner, after all, she just went to work at Zhou's house.

But the daughter is her treasure, her pride, so why does she feel like a servant when she really goes to eat in the kitchen?

Glancing secretly at my daughter, seeing tears welling up in her eyes, I felt very uncomfortable.

"Old man, my daughter has something to do. Besides, she just finished eating, so I won't bother you here."

Wu Shuqin wants to save face for her daughter. As a nanny, she has low self-esteem and doesn't want her daughter to be wronged by her.

At the beginning, the favor towards the Zhou family turned into complaints at the moment, thinking that Mr. Zhou looked down on others.

"That's good, I won't keep you, Xiao Wu, there are children at home, if your daughter needs you, she can wait for you at the doorman, don't bring her home."

Seeing the reaction of these two people, Mr. Zhou's voice became a little colder.

Wu Shuqin nodded submissively, clenched her hands by her sides, feeling a sense of humiliation in her heart.

This is not to tell her clearly that she is not allowed to bring anyone to Zhou's house in the future, even if it is her own child, she can only wait at the guard.


He agreed in a hoarse voice, not daring to see his daughter, the child already felt that she was ashamed of being a nanny, and would look down on her even more in the future.

Mr. Zhou took another look at her. This was not what he wanted to see. What he thought was that when he came, he would be a family.

When relatives came, he also wanted her to have face, but her daughter was a big-hearted master, and she had feelings for Zixu that she shouldn't have.

For the sake of the Zhou family, I can only nip everything in the bud, let her retreat now, and don't make any unreasonable ideas.

When the son comes back, ask him to find a new nanny, Wu Shuqin, who can no longer be used.

With complaints in my heart, I will not do my best in the future, and I don't want to cause trouble in the future.

Lan Qiuyue was so angry that she looked like she was about to burst into flames, she lowered her head, clenched her fists tightly, her nails dug deep into her flesh, she hated it to death, she must stand out in the future, let this old man see.

They are all human, why should he look down on himself?

"Send your daughter away!"

Sensing the hatred from Lan Qiuyue, old man Zhou disliked this little girl even more, so he threw a word to Wu Shuqin indifferently, and walked towards the living room.

"Qiuyue, wait for Mom, I'll put on my coat."

Wu Shuqin hated Mr. Zhou for not giving her face, but she didn't dare to disobey him, and wanted to comfort the girl, so she asked her to wait for her, and then sent her out of the gate.

Lan Qiuyue really wanted to slam the door and leave with ambition, but for some reason, her feet seemed to have taken root, and she just couldn't bear to leave.

With tears in his eyes, he looked towards the dining room. That handsome man looked very righteous. Why didn't he mention his grandfather?
"Zixu, what happened to your grandpa today? Just now, he asked Xiao Wu's daughter to come over for dinner. Why did you drive him away now?"

Aunt Su asked Zhou Zixu in a low voice, he just buried his head in his food, didn't care about anything, and didn't even look over there.

Zhou Zixu laughed after hearing this, and stretched out his chopsticks to pick up a piece of meat and threw it into his mouth. It tasted delicious.

"What are you laughing at? I think Xiao Wu is very embarrassed, and I must feel uncomfortable."

Zhou Zixu swallowed the last mouthful of rice, put down the bowl, stretched, and smiled wryly at Aunt Su.

(End of this chapter)

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