Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1528 Don't Think About Those Useless Things

Chapter 1528 Don't Think About Those Useless Things
Lan Qiuyue walked all this way thinking about Zhou Zixu, especially the scene of him smiling at Swift, those eyes were shining brighter than gems, she couldn't forget it after seeing it.

If he could look at her with such gentle eyes, she would be able to laugh out loud in her dreams.

"Girl, he is almost 30 years old this year. We can't have the father of three children, no matter what kind of daughter-in-law, who will be a stepmother? You are a college student, and it will be easy to find a good partner in the future. Listen to your mother, Don’t think about those useless things, study hard first, and getting a good job after graduation is a serious matter.”

Because of her low self-esteem, Wu Shuqin never dared to teach her a lesson in front of her daughter. Even if she had such dangerous thoughts, she always persuaded her with nice words.

I'm afraid that if I speak too harshly, my daughter will hate me.

"Mom, I'm just asking, where did you come up with so much nonsense?"

Lan Qiuyue frowned in dissatisfaction, and gave her mother a hard look. Isn't she useless, being someone else's servant, does she need to be angry with that dead old man?
It wasn't her identity, she might be able to get that man's favor.

"Okay, Mom won't talk anymore, don't be angry, go back and walk slowly, the Zhou family is the same, and they won't send a car if they have one. It's so cold, and I haven't even eaten a meal. Mom is sorry for you."

Wu Shuqin began to complain about Mr. Zhou, it was getting dark, shouldn't it be reasonable to send a car to see him off?

Thinking that this is looking down on herself, she doesn't think about her identity, why should people send a car to send her daughter off.

If you treat yourself as a baby, the Zhou family has to follow the baby too?

"Let's go back!"

Lan Qiuyue waved impatiently, turned around and left, and put the money in her pocket. It was only 20 yuan, what was it enough for?

The sweater on my body has been worn for two years, and I want to replace it with a new one, but I don't have the money to buy a dime.

The school was in the city, and there was still a long way to go. It was dark and the road was slippery, so she had to wrap up her coat tightly and walk towards the city with difficulty.

Just after walking for a while, there was a sound of honking the horn behind her. She was busy standing on the side of the road and saw a car with a unit license plate.

There was a violent beating in my heart, could it be that he pityed himself and secretly came to see her off?
Standing in the snow on the side of the road, he waved fiercely at the jeep.

The unit was in a hurry. Vice-captain Wu drove to the unit and saw a little girl wearing a fur collar cotton coat walking in the middle of the road. He honked impatiently, but the little girl waved at him.

Frowning, he stopped the car and rolled down the window to look at her. The little girl had a red fur scarf around her face and a wool hat on her head. Her facial features were so tightly blocked that she couldn't see her face clearly: "What's the matter? ?”

Leader Wu frowned and asked her, thinking that it must be someone from the family building, otherwise he would not have stopped him.

"Huh? Can you give me a ride? I'm going to the city."

When Lan Qiuyue saw that Zhou Zixu was not in the car, disappointment flashed in her eyes, and her mood was very impetuous.

The cars were all stopped, so I could only find an excuse. Besides, it was better to have a car than to stagger forward in the snow.

"Uh, I can only pick you up for a while when I go to work."

Hearing that the little girl's voice was nice and polite, Vice Captain Wu was in a dilemma. There was something wrong with the unit, so it was impossible to send her to the city.

"Alright, thank you."

As Lan Qiuyue said, she opened the door and got into the car.

She wasn't worried at all, the iron-blooded men in the unit were all upright and there were no bad guys.

"All right!"

Vice-captain Wu said helplessly, everyone got on the bus, so they can't drive off anymore, right?

After Lan Qiuyue got into the car, she pulled down her scarf, and it was too stuffy to hold her breath, so she couldn't breathe.

Leader Wu glanced at her curiously, and he was sure that she was not from the compound.

"Girl, whose house are you a guest?"

(End of this chapter)

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