Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1529 As long as she is happy

Chapter 1529 As long as she is happy

Lan Qiuyue was wiping the frost on her eyelashes, when she heard his words, she stopped.

He didn't answer first, but looked at Deputy Team Wu carefully. He is in his 30s, a little thin, with dark skin, and bright eyes. The disadvantage is that there are too many forehead wrinkles, and the nasolabial folds are deeper than ordinary people, making him look older than his peers.

"I'm going to Zhou's house."

Feeling that this person was harmless, Lan Qiuyue directly reported to the Zhou family, which was also using the identity of Minister Zhou to suppress him.

I'm a guest of Minister Zhou's family, and I'm flattering you by taking your car.

"Really? A guest of the Zhou family? Are you his relative?"

Deputy Captain Wu's eyes lit up when he heard it. This is a relative of his immediate superior's family, so naturally he should be treated well.

"Uh, forget it!"

Lan Qiuyue hesitated for a moment, she couldn't say that she was the nanny's daughter, it would be so embarrassing, she agreed vaguely.

"Haha, the flood flooded the Dragon King Temple. The family does not recognize the family. I am the deputy captain under Vice Minister Zhou. How about this! I will send you to the city first, and then to the work unit."

This is a good opportunity to sneak up on the beard, and Deputy Captain Wu is unwilling to let it go, so he said to Lan Qiuyue with a smiling face.

"Thank you."

Lan Qiuyue had a reserved look on her face, which seemed to be the case.

Although she didn't say that she was a relative of the Zhou family, but in the eyes of Vice Captain Wu, she acted like that.

Zhou Zixu hugged his daughter to watch his son. The two little guys are so easy, they go to sleep when they are full, and they look so cute when they are asleep.

"Little tiger, little leopard, I brought your sister here."

Zhou Zixu whispered to his son, his eyes were filled with the light of a loving father.

"Dad, my brother is so cute."

Because of blood relationship, Xiao Swift doesn't like Xiaolong and Xiaofeng, so she stays in front of her brother's crib.

The big black eyes stared at his younger brother's chubby face with curiosity.

"Dad, they are not good, I was born this big, they are too small."

Zhou Zixu thought it was funny to hear Yuyan's childish words, "You are so big, how did your mother give birth to you?"
"Yuyan, when you were born, you were younger than your younger brother, but you grew up to be this big, understand?"

He knelt down and looked at his daughter, explaining to her patiently.

Swift seemed to understand, she blinked her big eyes and looked at her father, and then at her younger brother on the bed, is he so young?She was so young?
After coaxing her daughter to stay in the baby room for a while, Yuyan felt bored because her younger brother would not play with her when he was sleeping, so she clamored to go back to the room to sleep.

"Okay, our Swift is sleepy, Dad will take you back."

Zhou Zixu picked up his daughter and put it on his shoulders when he went out. The daughter likes to ride him the most and calls him a big horse.

Zhou Zixu, who is a slave to his daughter, doesn't mind being a big horse for his daughter, as long as she is happy.

After sending Swift back to the house and helping her wash, Zhou Zixu went back to Sihui's room.

With Aunt Wu here tonight, he wants to sleep with his wife in his arms. He can do nothing, as long as he can hold her and smell the fragrance of his daughter.

Pushing the door lightly into the room, she found that Sihui was asleep, with one hand on her cheek, sleeping peacefully.

Zhou Zixu closed the door carefully, put his arms around his chest, and leaned against the door, admiring his wife's sleeping face by the moonlight.

She fell asleep, and he didn't want to disturb her. It's better to go to the baby room or study to sleep after watching for a while.

Lu Sihui had a light sleep, and he woke up when Zixu entered the room, but he didn't open his eyes.

His eyes are closed, but his ears are extremely sensitive. Why is Zixu standing there still?
He secretly opened his eyes a crack, and found that Zixu was standing at the door looking at him.

She stopped pretending to be asleep and simply opened her eyes and smiled at him.

"Look stupid?"

(End of this chapter)

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