Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Who is behind Chapter 1548?

Who is behind Chapter 1548?

Lan Qiuyue frowned secretly, thinking that her mother or elder brother came to find her.

No matter who among them?She does not want to see.

Because one is a nanny and the other is a worker, she can't bring glory to her and can only make her classmates laugh at her.

He bowed his head and followed behind the dean, thinking in his heart that he should talk to them for a while, and don't come to the school to look for him again?

The snow in the corridors of the school has been cleared, but there is still a thin layer of ice stubble, and it is easy to fall when walking.

She walked cautiously, and suddenly felt something was wrong. Is the dean too serious?

Lan Qiuyue's performance in school is a good girl, very quiet, very obedient, average in learning, neither outstanding nor backward.

The teacher and dean gave her a good evaluation, thinking that she is a little girl who loves to learn and is sensible.

Therefore, when I usually see her, although I don't take the initiative to say hello to her, I still have a pleasant face.

But today, the dean looked at her with sharp scrutiny, as if she had done something heinous.

Feeling a little uneasy, I thought about my performance these past few days, and I didn't think there was anything wrong.

Could it be that Huang Lijuan spoiled her behind her back?Report to her?

Just as she was thinking, the dean had already stopped in her tracks, turning her head to stare at her with a frown.

This woman is usually very honest, but she really didn't expect her mother to be a suspected saboteur.

This is a matter of position, and the attitude towards her will naturally not get better.

"Thank you, Director."

Lan Qiuyue bowed to her and found that the director had no intention of entering the house, which made her even more uneasy.

"Come in!"

The dean raised his chin, motioning for her to go in by herself.

Lan Qiuyue opened the door anxiously and entered the room. There were two iron-blooded men with serious expressions standing in the room. She was feeling uneasy. Could it be that something happened to her mother?

The first thought was that she was caught while taking the medicine, she was in a panic, her palms were covered with cold sweat, Mom, don't tell her to come out, right?

"You are Lan Qiuyue? Wu Shuqin is your mother, right?"

The majestic gentleman looked at the little girl in front of him. She looked clean and pure, and looked like a pure student.

"I am, do you have anything to do with me?"

Because of fear, Lan Qiuyue's voice trembled a little, and she looked at them in horror.

This appearance aroused the vigilance of the iron-blooded man. He didn't do anything bad, so what are he afraid of?
"Who does your mother usually associate with? Have you visited her during this time?"

The gentleman first used his eyes to intimidate Lan Qiuyue, so that she didn't dare to look up, and then he spoke in a low voice.

At this moment, Lan Qiuyue's legs became weak from fright, tears welled up in her eyes, and she murmured in her heart, "Mom, have you betrayed me?"

Zhou's house, at night, Zhou Baichuan and Zhou Zisong arrived home at the same time.

Mr. Zhou pulled the two of them to the sofa and told them what happened.

Zhou Baichuan's face was gloomy. He didn't expect that the nanny who had passed the political trial would actually want to kill his grandson.

He slapped the armrest of the sofa heavily, and he stood up and went to the study. This matter must be thoroughly investigated, who ordered it, and who is behind it?
Zhou Zisong behaved calmly in response to his father's anger.

"Hasn't the man been arrested?"

He looked at his grandfather and asked, although his face was calm, but he wanted to know how his two children were doing?

"Caught it, it's under review!"

Zhou Zixu helped Sihui take care of his son, and when he heard the sound of brakes, he walked out of the nursery with his hands in the pockets of his gray trousers, with a cold expression on his face.

"How is the child?"

(End of this chapter)

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