Chapter 1549
Zhou Zisong stood up and asked his younger brother, who was also his nephew, so he was naturally concerned.

"The child is asleep. It's all right. Where's Dad?"

Zhou Zixu replied to his eldest brother, mainly because he wanted to find his father and discuss tomorrow's full moon wine. The child has not yet been named!Just wait for him to come back and make a decision.

As for Wu Shuqin's matter, the unit has a special person to investigate, so naturally she will not be easily exonerated, and the black hands behind her will definitely be found out.

"Dad went to call the unit."

Zhou Zisong stood up, he wanted to see his children, and kept looking at the nursery.

"Brother, don't worry! She only attacked my son, Xiaolong and Xiaofeng are fine."

Zhou Zixu knew what his elder brother was worried about?This person has a cold personality, so he doesn't want to say it out loud. What can't he say if he cares about his own child?
"Xiaolong? Xiaofeng?"

Zhou Zisong still doesn't know the names of his children!Hearing it suddenly, he subconsciously froze.

"Grandpa gave your son and daughter a nickname."

Zhou Zixu explained that Mr. Zhou had already looked at his eldest grandson expectantly, waiting for him to praise himself.

"Oh, really?"

Zhou Zisong agreed lightly, and then said nothing.

Disappointment flashed in Mr. Zhou's eyes. This kid won't say good things easily.

"I have already explained to the unit that we must investigate strictly and find out who is behind it."

Master San was talking! The door of the study opened, and Zhou Baichuan strode out, with a low voice, full of deterrent force without anger.

Even when talking to his own son, he had the same tone.

"Don't worry! Leave it to the organization, and it will definitely be checked."

Mr. Zhou waved his hand to call his son over. Don't worry about Wu Shuqin anymore. The child's name is more important.

"Tomorrow is full moon wine. Our four babies only have nicknames and no big names. I discussed with Zixu and came up with these names. You two have a look and choose them. It will be settled tomorrow. The household registration has not yet been registered. !"

Mr. Zhou was holding two large sheets of manuscript paper with densely packed names on them.

Zhou Baichuan felt a headache watching it, but he didn't want to be careless about his grandson's name.

After looking at it carefully, a more satisfactory name was drawn with a pen.

Zhou Zixu was most concerned about his son's name. He went over to take a look, and there were two of them that he had fallen in love with before.

"Brother, I will choose first."

Zixu smiled at Zhou Zisong, showing his white teeth, looking in a good mood.

"No, I'm your brother, I'll pick first."

do not know why?Zisong suddenly wanted to tease his younger brother, from where his eyes fell just now, he already knew the name his younger brother wanted to choose for his child.

"The boss lets the second."

Zhou Zixu also got excited, put away his smile, he was bound to win, for the sake of his son, he did not hesitate to talk about himself as inferior to his elder brother.

"Boss first."

Zhou Zisong answered unhurriedly, with narrow eyes, but on the surface he still looked cold, the meaning was obvious, and he would not give up an inch.

"A name, what are you fighting for?"

Zhou Baichuan frowned and scolded, how could it be more shameful if he got bigger?When I was young, I never argued, but when I grow up, I don't have the spirit of humility.

"I will choose Zhou Hongrui and Zhou Hongzhi for my son."

After all, Zhou Zixu was the first to say it. After the election, he raised his eyebrows and provoked his elder brother. It has been a long time since he has changed countless diapers for his daughter's son. What's wrong with letting him go?
Zhou Zisong couldn't help laughing, and glanced at the name, he chose the girl himself, and didn't ask for the name circled by his father, the son just like that.

The pen touched the paper, and said in a deep voice: "Zhou Hongxuan, Zhou Shiyan."

(End of this chapter)

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