Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1554 This person is too conformist

Chapter 1554 This person is too conformist
Li Yanhong fed her son anxiously at first, watching his little mouth squirming, and his little hands pushing her hard mouth up and down, as if squeezing food for herself, her eyebrows and eyes were curved, and she stopped crying .

She heard the sound of gudong, gudong swallowing milk, motherhood overflowed, and she felt so happy when she saw the baby eating deliciously.

Suddenly, something felt wrong. Is my daughter crying too much?

Looking up at a pair of burning eyes, and looking at the posture of Zhou Zisong holding the child, it is no wonder that Xiaofeng is crying, it is just caught under the arm, can the child be comfortable?
"Put Xiaofeng on the bed."

She frowned and ordered him, how to do it fatherly, the child is crying, what is he thinking?


Zhou Zisong agreed obediently, and carefully put his daughter on the bed. After leaving his embrace, the little girl froze for a moment, and then her crying was obviously not as loud as before.

Heaved a sigh of relief, and sat down seriously beside his daughter-in-law, with a pair of cold eyes, he couldn't help but look at his son's little 1. mouth, it tastes so delicious, don't you know it belongs to dad?

Li Yanhong sensed where he was staring, a red cloud appeared on her face, and she lowered her head in shame.

Although the two of them did a lot of things like that, they still felt very embarrassed to be naked under his gaze.

Especially, why does his eyes look like gluttons?

It looked like he wanted to push his son away and let him eat by himself.

Thinking of this, Li Yanhong's face turned even redder, and even her earlobes turned red.

"Are you hot?"

Zhou Zisong, who had been sitting upright all the time, suddenly said something. Li Yanhong was so frightened that she almost threw the child on the ground, but Zhou Zisong let go and quickly caught it.

"Be careful."

He frowned and reprimanded his wife, his cold look was the same as when he was training his subordinates in the unit, showing no mercy at all.

Li Yanhong was a little aggrieved, she was feeding well, but you came over, and then you suddenly spoke up to scare me, why did you still scold me?
Zhou Zisong caught his daughter-in-law's mournful gaze from the corner of his eyes, coughed dryly, and looked away.

Although she is my own wife, I feel embarrassed to stare at her like this.

Looking for trouble, isn't my daughter crying?Then change the diaper.

He stood up and took off his uniform. He thought that as an iron-blooded man, he couldn't change the child's diaper. Only after taking off the uniform, he was the father.

Li Yanhong looked at him amusedly, this person is too rigid.

However, as long as he didn't stare at him, the discomfort would be better.

Zhou Zisong was only wearing a white shirt, rolling up his arms and sleeves, as if he was about to do some strenuous work.

He clumsily untied the child's little bundle, and saw that the girl's hands and feet were bound, and immediately frowned:

"Why are you tying Xiaofeng?"

Because of anger, his voice was a little cold.

"Aunt Su said that you won't scratch your face if you tie your hands, and you won't get bow-legged if you tie your legs."

Li Yanhong is from the south, there is no such saying in their side, but she still listens to Aunt Su's advice.

"Don't tie it, the child is uncomfortable."

Zhou Zisong frowned, looking at his daughter distressedly, at this moment he suddenly understood why his younger brother was so spoiled with Swift.

He also cherished his daughter very much, and seeing her suffer, he felt pain in his heart.

Carefully untying the straps, Xiao Shiyan stopped crying immediately, and stared fixedly at her father with her dark eyes filled with tears.

This cute little appearance made Zhou Zisong's cold and hard heart suddenly turn into the river water of three springs, making it soft.

Gently helped the child take off the diaper, but he just urinated and didn't pull it, he was relieved.

He found a clean diaper and put it on for his daughter clumsily. It was such a simple matter that he broke out in sweat.

"you are stupid."

(End of this chapter)

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